Hey Flip
H-D side cars are not the answer, I have put several on and they are a pain to align and set the toe on. They all pull hard and are real qurkey with acceleration and de-accerleration. That is why I have the trike I have now. When I was so heavy, my legs wouldn't let me handle a two wheeler and if I wanted to ride that was my only choice, so I traded my 2000 Screaming Eagle Road Glide for the trike. I know John Lehman real well and have rode his trikes and motor trike makes one for the rocket. Trikes handle better than the side cars I have ridden, but the only ones I know about are the H-D's, so I can't comment on anything else. For the past 2 years I have just gotten my health back enough so I can really enjoy life and my Rocket, and in the last 2 months have put over 3,000 miles on it, I know that is not much by some of you guys standards but, I was down to around 1500 miles per year when I was at my worst and sometimes I had wounds so bad it was months (41 months one time) before the Doc would turn me loose to ride. So I enjoy everyday I can so I will have no regrets and then Hope I can keep it up like a friend of mine, he is 75 and still rides with us and has a great time, I just hope I can do as well as he does. Merry Christmas, guys.