Poll... when will you retire from riding?

When will you retire from riding?

  • I can't ride ever, my mum won't let me

    Votes: 2 1.4%
  • Somewhere under 50, its all downhill from there anyway

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sometime before 60, the bugs already hurt

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • I have to go past 65, I'll have all that free time

    Votes: 13 9.1%
  • 70 or older, Like Stallone

    Votes: 32 22.4%
  • I'll fall off of my bike when I die

    Votes: 88 61.5%
  • I can't remember

    Votes: 7 4.9%

  • Total voters

My general condition (health wise) will tell me when it's time to sell the bikes. Like sleds. The older I get, the less I can tolerate the cold and my frostbitten face and digits have precluded me from winter activities involving prolonged exposure to cold. It's even hard for me to put out round bales in the wintertime, just cutting the strings on the bales in bitter cold causes me pain in my fingers.

Sidecars are a viable alternative to advanced age. I have a friend who has lost his ability to properly balance a bike while in motion and has went to a HD factory sidecar outfit.

I'd imagine that your "state of mind" has more to do with a decision like that than any other factor.

Another factor that would be important is that when you age, you don't mend quickly anymore. My very good friends Ed and Carol who are lifelong bikers were in York at the HD Factory tour and Carol dropped her Heritage in a curve at slow speed and broke her shoulder. Carol is in her early 60's and the prognosis is a YEAR of P.T. to regain use of her arm again, That includes stainless plates and screws and a tremendous amount of PAIN. When you are young, a broken shoulder, arm or even leg is a 90 day ordeal. When you get over 50, the same injury can be life threatening or change the way you live dramatically.

Some old folks get forgetful and absent minded and that wouldn't bode well on a bike where you need to be alert and proactive to situations and be able to make split second decisions. Yes, my general health would govern my retirement from a bike or sidecar outfit to becoming a "porch" enthusiast.
Geeesh, I thought I was being practical with my comments, but Flip made me feel like my comments hold no merit (and they really don't).

OK, I take my comments back and, and, and, .................and I'll agree with Flip.
They'll just have to peel the throttle from my cold dead fingers.Flip move to Fl.,it doesn't get cold here,(ha ha).For me it's the ole back and I work out so I can take the awesome g's when it's needed.
I am searching the Bible to see if there is a way I can take mine with me to Heaven, I can see Jesus getting a kick onit as well, angels argueing to who is going to ride it next that sort of thing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey Flip

H-D side cars are not the answer, I have put several on and they are a pain to align and set the toe on. They all pull hard and are real qurkey with acceleration and de-accerleration. That is why I have the trike I have now. When I was so heavy, my legs wouldn't let me handle a two wheeler and if I wanted to ride that was my only choice, so I traded my 2000 Screaming Eagle Road Glide for the trike. I know John Lehman real well and have rode his trikes and motor trike makes one for the rocket. Trikes handle better than the side cars I have ridden, but the only ones I know about are the H-D's, so I can't comment on anything else. For the past 2 years I have just gotten my health back enough so I can really enjoy life and my Rocket, and in the last 2 months have put over 3,000 miles on it, I know that is not much by some of you guys standards but, I was down to around 1500 miles per year when I was at my worst and sometimes I had wounds so bad it was months (41 months one time) before the Doc would turn me loose to ride. So I enjoy everyday I can so I will have no regrets and then Hope I can keep it up like a friend of mine, he is 75 and still rides with us and has a great time, I just hope I can do as well as he does. Merry Christmas, guys.
Geriatric riding

I don't know why, but three wheelers just don't do it for me. If I couldn't handle a bike any more I think I'd buy a nice T Bucket. That's kind of like a 4 wheel bike, isn't it?
Ha... I like your thinking... I'm looking for a AV8 or RPU. We go out riding and I'm always gawking at all the rods and old cars we come across. Its a wonder I haven't killed myself. The Pigman has a neighbor that has a T bucket but its a tall T and it looks like the Munster's car, I can pass on that. Toys toys toys
If a sidecar is set up properly, handling isn't an issue but it does take some special acquired skills to properly handle a rig without making a fool of yourself and quite a bit of common sense. They do pull one way and then the other on acceleration and deceleration, that's the character of the beast but easily compensated for.

Trikes never interested me. I did have one years ago though. An HD 45 inch Servicar, suicide shift. My lawn mower has more power. It was a fun, kid thing. I got it cheap and sold it cheap. Wish I had it now.