Pistol carrier

Some folks purchase weapons because they are unique or hold a special attraction.
Surely Lupehas his guns that are familiar and at the ready
****!! Toro Viejo, i didn't see your comment, see the quote above
I failed to mention that i keep a loaded 380 under the bed within arm reach, a 9 plus one shot gun behind the door and those are proven to work

I do not call your house a house... rather an arsenal.
better not be a fire anywhere in this place with all them bullets zipping around
I got pictures of guns stuck every where in my house too. I even have pictures of 3 gun safes.

Only problem is I don't have a single picture of a bullet.

You know the old saying.....A picture is worth a 1000 words
I meant no offence to any of our 70 year old female Christian Rocket Owners .. just thought i'd better cover my ass with a disclaimer. The rabid Christians seem to have f#cked off over to the .com site anyway .. Praise the Lord
I have a thick skull... and besides if i was in an area like that i'd always have my finger on the trigger..

There's a thing called situational awareness that one can learn (along with many other things) with proper training that puts one in a much better position to perceive the threats and react before one is injured.

Folks that choose to go armed owe it to themselves and their family to seek proper training.

Although I served in the military many years ago; I take training seriously, and participate in weekly IDPA practices for almost ten months out of the year, and shoot in monthly IDPA matches.

I don't shoot nearly as much as some, but I'll usually go through 6000-8000 rounds of pistol ammo per year (obviously I reload).

The time away from training is during hunting season down here; which I spend with my 85 year old father, who still loves to get out and deer hunt, and I intend to enjoy his company for as long as he's with us.

I meant no offence to any of our 70 year old female Christian Rocket Owners .. just thought i'd better cover my ass with a disclaimer. The rabid Christians seem to have f#cked off over to the .com site anyway .. Praise the Lord


PC - TC?????????????
Live long enough = see almost everything!

scheesch . . . . Mate, get off the mood enhancers.
I meant no offence to any of our 70 year old female Christian Rocket Owners .. just thought i'd better cover my ass with a disclaimer. The rabid Christians seem to have f#cked off over to the .com site anyway .. Praise the Lord

I'm a rabid Christian, mate. No offense!!!!

If we ever head down the path of concealed carry (and sincerely hope we do not) I will be the first to sign up - no point bringing a knife to a gun fight. Problem that was highlighted in the video posted was that you can't predict a surprise attack. How do have a finger on the trigger and carry your groceries or ride your bike or hold your kid's hand when you walk down the street etc etc? I was a competitive kick-boxer in my younger days, I have a mildly anxious predisposition and am hypervigilant when out in public - tough to be more 'situationally aware' (read fearful) than me - been knocked out twice when hit from behind. (and using fearful is not meant to offend - fear is a natural human response to threat or perceived threat and without it we would likely be hurt, so it actually acts to keep us safe).

Just so there is no confusion, I'm not anti-gun, quite the opposite. I'm just more about addressing social inequality, repression, and disenfranchisement such that minorities or the otherwise marginalised have some prospect of a 'better' future - give people something to lose (e.g a prosperous future) and they will generally behave themselves.

With nothing to lose - put a sign up on grandma's lawn that she's packing and I'll simply shoot first, steal second. America has had the right to bear arms since forever - has the average rate of violent crime increased, decreased or remained static in that time?

Actually, the states that have adopted concealed carry laws have seen a dramatic drop in violent crime rates. The locales with the highest violent crime rates have the most draconian anti-gun laws.

Anti-gun laws only serve to disarm the law abiding citizens, and make them less able to defend themselves against criminal actions.

The criminals pay no more attention to gun laws than they do to any of the others they're breaking.

As R.A. Heinlein (noted S.F. writer) observed; an armed society is a polite society.

You note previous kick-boxing experience, and a resultant situational awareness derived from your training; will likely stand you in good stead. But for the elderly, infirm, or otherwise physically less developed; what recourse is available if they can't arm themselves for defense of themselves and family?

A cop is too heavy to carry, and likely wouldn't want to go with one, anyway.

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It's not about finger on the trigger...its about that moment when you have the opportunity, the ability and then intestinal fortitude to respond. Whether it's a fist, pool cue, baseball bat, cricket bat, knife, gun...whatever...as long as you are prepared (mentally) to respond with whatever you have at your disposal...its all good.

BTW...since concealed carry laws have become more prevalent crime has reduce IMHO. I know that some of you will find this shocking, but there are states here where open carry is legal. For the uninitiated that means people walk around town with guns on their hips...for our Oz brothers...think Ned Kelly...was he not a freedom fighter of sorts? Would you support him today?