Pistol carrier

Rugger LCP380 is what i carry, it is so small that i can carrie it in my pocket and it goes unnoticed, the wife carries a light weight 38 special hammerless revolver in her purse, she likes it very much
Glock 26, Glock 43 or Glock 34 all with Viridian green ECR holsters.
Hip owb, ankle or a second quick access in the tank bag.
Glock 26, Glock 43 or Glock 34 all with Viridian green ECR holsters.
Hip owb, ankle or a second quick access in the tank bag.

Yup, got a 43, a 26, and a 19. They shoot great, are stone reliable, and yet still they remind me of toasters. Kind of like a Toyota, very functional but in an antiseptic sort of way. I tend to carry them quite a bit, but when it comes time to go to the range, the Sig, the Kimber, and the new Colt seem to get a bit more love.

As for the pocket 380, one reason I like the Remington is the hammer. I prefer being able to rest my thumb on a hammer when sticking a small, chambered pistol that does not have a safety into my pocket. Of course, that depends on the wife not liking the pistol. She will choose between the .380 and my 642. I'm thinking she'll like shooting the .380 a lot more. That 642 isn't fun at the range.

Lately I've been thinking about a Performance Center 686. I know L frames should be too big to comfortably carry, especially in summer around here, but there's something about a .357 Smith that just seems so right. Even if it becomes a range only toy, for some reason I just feel like I need one.

GREAT service weapon, carried one for years until the autos were authorized.
WAY too large for CCW IMHO. If OK for you, why not go with the S&W 627 8 shot .357.
I HAD a G19 but sold it to my son in law.
GREAT service weapon, carried one for years until the autos were authorized.
WAY too large for CCW IMHO. If OK for you, why not go with the S&W 627 8 shot .357.
I HAD a G19 but sold it to my son in law.

Funny you should say that. I was looking long and hard at the 627. D@mn thing is either very ugly or very beautiful, can't decide which. The trade off would be lighter being scandium but wider being an N frame. I've also heard those titanium cylinders are real easy to screw up with the wrong ammo or cleaning solutions. Of course the S&W warranty would cover it, but I'd hate to go through the hassle. I really need to find a shop with both and just go handle them. Problem is, its like looking at new cars. I go from window shopping to real shopping way too easy.
Sounds like wherever we have our next RAA, we should have a day ride to a range included! Great riding and a day at the range with friends...hell, that beats sex with beautiful blonde twins!

(Unless the twins are an unlimited option, mind you )

You stated: "D@mn thing is either very ugly or very beautiful, can't decide which." That sounds exactly like our Rockets!
I near pulled the trigger on the 627 figuring with 8 rounds the ammo count tis as good as my HK P7 M8 or G43. Then the size issues regarding CCW changed my mind.
The .357 is an awesome caliber, but my accuracy is better and faster with a 9.

Speaking of accuracy. Took my wife to the range with me a couple of weeks ago. First time shooting the new Colt, as usual, gun is way more accurate than I am. Handed the wife my Glock 19 and she proceeded to punch out the center of the target at about 10 yards. That was the first time in about 10 years she's gone with me. It may be another 10 before I take her again.