Pistol carrier

I've been kicked out of two churches in my lifetime, one was the Mormon church cuz I beat up the Bishops son, and the other was a Pentecostol cuz I kept having sex with all the long haired sexually suppressed single women...
Think I'm going to hell Padre? :cool:

Have no idea where your going but I've always said we will be surprised who will be there and who want. Jesus said it takes two things to make heaven your home. 1 - Love God 2 - Love your neighbor as yourself. You guys are pretty good at number 2 and the first one is personal. If I don't see you here - I'm planning to see you there.
Can a get a pistol carrier there??????????????????????????????
Man, this thread sure degenerated

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And actually safer than having a pound or two hunk of metal (or hard plastic) strapped to your body as you're hurtling down the road at 80 MPH. I wouldn't stick a $1,000 1911 in there, but a few hundred dollar plasti-pistol, you betcha.
I haven't read most of the preceding comments - basically because guns , though I enjoy shooting them, don't make me hard - but has anyone suggested designing a laser targeting, optically guided, helmet-integrated, automatic pistol mount... kinda' like a helmet mounted GoPro for a gun? Seems like it would pragmatically handle most of the important issues for those who feel the need to carry while on two wheels.
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Just to clarify about those of us who have gun safes.........we don't put ALL of our guns in the safe!!!!! We have either guns located in different rooms through out the house or at least in our sleeping bedroom! One step out of my bed to a 20 gauge Winchester Defender shotgun with OO buck shot and then the others if needed a few more steps away! I squirrel hunted at age 10 with my father and his brother! At age 12 I was doing it on my own! Just the way we were raised here in the south! "Just sayin"!!!!
Seems like it pragmatically handles most of the important issues for those who feel the need to carry while on two wheels.

Maybe the need isn't to carry while on two wheels but when you are off of the two wheels. So that still leaves the issue of where to carry while on two wheels. I treat it just like I do when in my car, the gun stays holstered on my hip. I don't like it that way for a couple of reasons, the damage it could do to me by landing on it if I ever take a header off of the bike and the damage that can happen to the gun. I spent a lot of money making it the way I like it and would hate to see it ground down by sliding down the street between me and the road. I don't like the idea of putting it in my pannier for the same reason, I don't want to leave it behind if I am forced to leave the bike and have no ability to retrieve the gun.
