Pistol carrier

I carry mine on my hip. I've also been behind a buddy that went down rough with his gun inside the waist band. Gun never came out but it did get a little scratch. He's proud of the scratch because it tells the story he came through.
There is only one place to carry a firearm while on a bike IMHO and that is on your person. Firstly If you happen to need it your locked pannier is probably not a good place for it and secondly you have a moral obligation to control the weapon at all times to prevent accidental or unlawful discharge. Most bags take about 10 seconds or less to break into and I just never felt comfortable enough in their security to leave a loaded firearm in one. Keeping it on your person at all times satisfies both of those criteria. If scratching it or damaging yourself during an off is of greater concern then leave it at home or buy a cheaper gun (Glock, Springfield, etc). Always seemed pretty simple to me. I match mine to the carry method based on size primarily. A Sig P238 fits in an ankle holster. A Glock 23 fits in my concealed carry vest as does my Kimber Pro Carry II. There are bunches of concealed carry methods...pick one that is comfy for you and keep your protection close to hand

I agree 100% with you, which is why mine stays on my hip. I am going to look into a Commander size 1911 for shoulder holster carry or start carrying my RIA 1911 and leave my Ted Yost built Delta Elite at home on days I ride. Because I am in an open carry state I normally carry OWB whether on the bike or not.

I used to ride with a guy who carried a 3" 1911 in a SOB holster. In my opinion, the worst possible place to carry, especially on a bike. I tend to favor a 642 in a front pocket. In the unfortunate event of a get off the worst I could expect is a badly bruised upper thigh. With an SOB holster a broken back would be possible.
Yes, in Virginia and other states, concealed (and open in some places) carry has become more common as gun owners have become more responsible and careful. Part of that care means not touching the gun unless it is a deliberate action under appropriate circumstances. In Virginia at least, "brandishing" has become codified, and law enforcement has wide discretion in how that is interpreted. The good news, is the greater application of the "reasonable person" test, that is; in a given situation under question, how would a reasonable third person view that action ? So where this has come to play for example, a person has a concealed item, and bends over, exposing a part of it. That could be brandishing, though a reasonable person would likely say, the carrier was just bending over. In a different scenario, same person, now has an argument with someone, and lifts their shirt to expose the concealed item. If the offended party reports that, and witnesses agree, the exposer is likely to be in trouble.

Where is that here ? I love the pic of the Ram mount holster, and per other posts, need to relocate when off the bike. That is problematic, in Virginia at least, because the muzzle is moving, and is in view of others, and could be subject to an accusation of brandishing.

A challenge I have is that I've "grown" the wrong way, and my moto gear doesn't fit over my waist with the added hardware, so I relocate the hardware to the moto gear itself, with all the attendant risks cited by previous posters.
Do yourself a favor look into the Kahr PM9 the 1911 is over kill unless your pinned down in Iraq.. If your in a situation with an AR or AK carring three mags with this gun is easy, one in the gun, two in your pocket.
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But, I believe in the old adage of carry what you are comfortable with. I have been carrying and shooting 1911s since the early 70s. I like them, they fit me well and it is like an old friend. I have always had full size 1911s but have been eyeing Commander sized ones for a while now. I have even played with the idea of getting one in 38 Super.

10mm on top, 45 on the bottom.

Or, you might go even smaller. I just picked up a Colt Night Defender. Always heard 3" 1911's were not reliable. So far it hasn't skipped a beat.
I agree with triiick!!! the Kahr is much easier to carry and conceal! BUT to each his own!!! I have a Kahr also!
Speaking of pocket .380's I'm thinking of picking up a new Remington RM380 for my wife. Its got some very good reviews, its actually a slightly redesigned Rohrbaugh which Remington recently acquired. Just watched a 500 round torture test. I kind of hope she doesn't like it, one more for me.