Picked up a new used bike.

Just remember.... no Adventurer is complete with out a sidecar and a sheep :D

You had me on that one :cool:
If it has been sitting that long without running you might want to replace the stale gas. Those bikes had a vacuum petcock and to fill the carbs you need to turn the tap to the prime position and press it inward for a minute or so.

The petcock was replaced with a new one, it has on off and res do I turn it to on then press it in for a minute? how often do you have to do it by that I mean how long can the bike sit before I have to do it again.
Okay while I have your attention the bike will sometimes cut out when I slow down for a stop sign or feel a bit eratic at slow speed, maybe a new fuel filter?
Bike is not good, will trade you for a 40 round SKS magazine:D
The petcock was replaced with a new one, it has on off and res do I turn it to on then press it in for a minute? how often do you have to do it by that I mean how long can the bike sit before I have to do it again.

With the last bike I had with one of those I only had to prime it if it ever ran dry - such as if the engine stopped before I could switch to reserve. I never let it sit more than a a couple of weeks I guess but I didn't need to prime it under normal circumstances. Amanda's Virago had one too I recall; same deal. If you're riding infrequently you may need to prime it each time after a lay off, depending on whether you're finding it starts easily or not.

Bike looks great by the way (you lucky bastard).
I rang a bike shop in Tasmania about a Thunderbird Sport they had for sale during the week .. really tidy machine 42,500 kilometres , only wanted $5,500 AUD for it. Bloke selling it couldn't ( or wouldn't ) tell me if sprag clutch had been replaced. My guess is previous Owner found out how big a job it is and flogged it off. Sprag clutch usually go around the 40,000 klm mark. Means engine out and cases split to repair.. told him " no thanks"

PS Adventurer looks really nice , well done.
Looking Good Dave

Okay while I have your attention the bike will sometimes cut out when I slow down for a stop sign or feel a bit eratic at slow speed, maybe a new fuel filter?

The bike looks terrific Dave, although there was a wee bit of a water spot on the chain guard. In reference to your hestitation, there is a small duck bill filter where the fuel line goes into the carbs. They are notorious for getting partly clogged, a ***** to get too but worth checking.