Pic of Triple K&N's Under Bearclaw

ok bare with me here.

These bikes are naturally aspirated engines so it can only pull in a fixed amount of air so the only benefit of multiple filters is that it lowers the differential pressure across the filters. So I still think if staying with one filter, keep it where you draw the coolest air. I maybe way off here but heck it sounds good and might get someone thinking.

. Cool air = HP
Paul, I pulled 131/141 with an underseat K&N, TORs, and cat/bypass. I'm heading to the dyno on Saturday with the same setup except K&N undertank.
myth.. i say this after running both underseat and triples.... i use my underseat air box for storage now and when i remove my leather day planner from it after a ride it is HOT... start your bike some time with the plenum off and put your hand over a tb.. the amount of suction is little at best.. now figure how much suction would be required to draw that "cool" air from under your hot seat and through about 3' of hot plastic ducting with multiple bends in it... it's true that under the bc gets warm but it is not a sealed area especially if you relocate the coolant bottle.. next ride put your hand in front of the bc and see how much air is being forced in and around it..
Someone (can't remember where I saw it) dynoed a stock Rocket, then removed the seat so the stock filter wasn't sucking through the seat snorkel and it gained a few hp immediately. I think a few people removed the snorkels from the bottom of the seat and noticed it flowed better.

Paul- All engines are going to suck a fixed amount of air, but the easier it can pull the air the faster it revs and the faster it goes. The temp difference won't matter much at all once you are rolling. There is quite a bit of air that gets under the tank. Plus like the others once I got the under seat storage I can't give it up, too handy. If I recall correctly I think our own Toystoretom was the inventor of the under tank mod.

Hey Travelguy forgot to thank you for the vid.
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Let me know the results I am very curious. A dyno is something in it's self because you don't have the air flowing across the engine like you would on the road so the air intake will be much hotter yet.
If you think of it ask the tech and see what he has to say about it. Talk to you soon.
thats a good setup

Talltxguy I'm also more than interested knowing the results of your dyno trip as my configuration is just the same as yours. Well chosen setup
I decided to take the $$ plunge and ordered one of those custom airboxes from MGS. It will arrive unpainted, so I'll have to send it out to get chromed, which means a few months before the new airbox gets hooked up. So I'm not gonna waste my money on dynoing with my current setup since it won't be current too much longer.