For those going the Quad Lock route, I said earlier that I didn't think the dampener would mount with the Ram system- IT WILL
It took some searching to find this, that may be of use......
What is a vibration dampener and do I need one on my motorcycle? The Quad Lock Vibration Dampener has been created in response to the increased sensitivity of new smartphone camera's image stabilis...
I have the 1" ball adapter. Looks like it splits and you put the vibration "dampener," or whatever you want to call it in-between. Confusing, as I kept looking for two individual pieces- the "index lever head" and the 1" ball without the head, but what I have splits into those two pieces (joined by hex bolt).
I think once my phone case and the dampener come in I'll be good to go with the Ram mount attaching to the 1" ball adapter (split).