Went and said my g'days to the Triumph dealer here in Albany yesterday. Blokes name is Morgan .. reckons he takes the demo Rocket he's got at his shop out for a squirt any opportunity he gets. Organised a couple of RAT rides since he became the dealer here .. had 12 Triumphs on the last one.
Met the blonde chick @ their stall in Esperance last week. Nice chick, sez the new dealerships doin well
If I could get myself motivated early enough, from south of the river (Cannington) where and what time would be good.
Met the blonde chick @ their stall in Esperance last week. Nice chick, sez the new dealerships doin well

Spotted Morgan, the owner leaving work this arvo .. he rides in the rain.." real rider" I thought. He was on a new white 1200 Explorer.
Thanks fellas, about 400kms round trip with perfect weather, good meal and company.


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Anyone interested in doing an overnighter to Walpole in May?
Its a long weekend 31st may to 2nd june?
Its about 410klm from Perth city but we would could extend it by 60-70 klms by doing the Nannup -Balingup Rd which is probably the most winding piece of road in WA that I have come across.
The Walpole Motel has single rooms at $80 and doubles for $100 a night.https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CEsQFjAB&url=http://www.walpolehotel.com.au/&ei=gGUhU9YZyuqSBezjgegJ&usg=AFQjCNGciQFOxdKwUFQwk4PBZl7Rupb3Vw&sig2=xkNnPJRzQHJR-EN7-9qAUA&bvm=bv.62922401,d.dGI&cad=rjt

All rooms have ensuite with m/wave toasters, tea coffee facilities and TV

Tomcat,maybe you could meet us halfway and ride into Walpole with us and head back to Albany the next day?
We could have a night in the bar without having to worry about getting back on the horses.
Wives GFs welcome

Just throwing it out there,all ideas welcome
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Im in, work has slowed down for me by then so no problems having a weekend away.

Im still hoping to go on the Two Wheels to Wagin run this Saturday as well, all depends on how tomorrows job goes.
If I get it done I will off like a ra:Dt up a drain pipe.:D:D:D:p:p:p