How about you suggest a meet up point keno as we will be heading north and its no point you doubling back to meet us.Maybe in the Wanneroo township?
Pedro ,I could meet up with you at the Odin Tavern on Erindale rd Balcatta about 400 metres off the freeway at say 8.00 am and then meet Keno 8.30.

My route was north along wanneroo rd to gin gin brook rd,turn left at cowalla rd,turn right at orange springs rd,left at brand hwy stop for coffee at windmill roadhouse at regans ford,then turn right on dandaragan rd which takes you to Moora .
Stop for lunch at Moora or if its too early push onto somewhere else.
After that we can play it by ear.
If it gets hot we can have an early day or if not ,we can take a longer more inland or coastal route home. Ill try and remember to bring my maps.