Perth riders

It was a great day i think. traffic was pretty good over all and the company was great. Good on ya Zimtuff and Hunty for leading out most of the day.
Changed my TPS today and all back to normal,
600km for me and enjoyed every one of them

Glad it was an easy fix Pedro
It was a great day i think. traffic was pretty good over all and the company was great. Good on ya Zimtuff and Hunty for leading out most of the day.
Changed my TPS today and all back to normal,
Good news on the TPS ,to be honest I thought it was something more serious when it 1st happened. I was wondering if you had tow home insurance LOL
Someone else's turn to lead next time

Time to start thinking about the next ride in March. I was thinking about Moora,there is some interesting back roads out that way,but its not a destination for hot weather.
Anyway its up for discussion
Moora sounds good - any weekend other than the 14th 15th suits me. Maybe a Sunday ride so the newbies can come.
How about we pencil in the 9th march.Its a sunday.We can change it if need be. The weekend before is the Labour Day long weekend,maybe we could do something then if no one has any plans

Moora is about 185 klms from the northern suburbs ,we can make it a bit more challenging if everyone wants a longer ride. I like to do 500klms + for the day.
The pub had nice burgers last time I was there.
Rocket owners from all over the world are invited to attend
sorry Rosco i led you astray in my last post! I fly out early morning on the 9th so obviously couldn't make it then or the following weekend.
Im happy to go on the long weekend 2nd 3rd and 4th of march. Where are you off to Mr Hunt?

Bali - xmas present for my girlfriend who has never been and wants to go - hopefully after she's been she'll never want to go again!