Where shall we all meet up? I was going to suggest the truck weighing place on the freeway between Karnup rd and Paganoni rd at 8-8.15 am and be gone by 8.30am. How does that sound?
Then down to Bussleton ,get onto Sues rd till Brockman hwy and to Karridale for lunch(Ill be checking to make sure they have lunch on saturdays). It might be best if we decide the go home route at lunch depending on the time and weather etc.
If we get to Karridale early ,we could always have lunch along Caves rd somewhere or pop in to Margaret River.
Keno and I coming from NOR will probably need to refuel at Busselton somewhere. Im not sure if there are any fuel stops on Sues rd/Brockman hwy until Karridale.
We will be running pretty low by then.