Performance or neville Lush brilliance


254 RWHP Lush Racing Engine
May 24, 2010
Melbourne Australia
2010 Triumph Rocket Roadster
Right oh,

Have had my bike back a few days and finally got to ride it yesterday. Nev asked me to give him a call with an appraisal of the work and discuss my thoughts. He says good remarks are helpful and negative ones will help get it perfect.

Well, Nev, you want honesty, well you get it.

What I want to know is how you can talk to me on the phone and say things like, "you'll be pretty happy, goes hard, smooth enough to have your mum on as pillion riding to church on sunday....." Mate, haven't really found all this to be 100% accurate!

Truth is Im not pretty happy, smooth enough, goes hard not quite. It is however, F^@%ing amazing!!!! I am not pretty happy, I am OVER THE MOON!!!! Smooth enough for mum, mate it is smooth enough for a virgin saint, goes hard......It is completely relentless. Doesn't matter what gear, what speed, it simply has more. Over 20 years in motorsport and being a fastidious bastard has proven too stressful. Nobody ever gets it 100% .... or so I thought! You have completely blwn anyone anywhere out of the water mate.

your follow up, info, hours you spent on the phone with me, service and outcome clearly prove that you are equally as passionate and obsessed by perfection as I am.

i dont know how I could ever thank you enough mate. I know it is just a bike and all but it goes beyond that. I have never had a toy I completely loved 100% but all that has changed. I finally can say I have found the goal to my pursuit of perfection.

Mate, I know you have a couple of sons, I think i might keep my daughter honest for the next 35 years that way when she is 36 I'll let her marry one of your boys! LOL But seriously, I could right a novel about how happy I am with my bike.

To all you fellow Captains, I apologise in advance but I am now 100% Triumph Rocket one eyed obsessed.

Bless your hands that worked on my bike Nev.
Glad you are happy Ponters. Afraid that after my experience trying to get those pistons off Nev i would not do buisness with the man. No doubt he is a cracker-jack engine builder but his attitude needs a lot of work ... unless your handing him $10,000 that is. My mate Donny rang him some time back to seek a bit of advice when he was fitting cams to his Rocket. Donny could not believe how rude and unhelpful he was with him.... Nev don't send me another one of your smartarse P.M's trying to blame me for your stuff-ups and mistakes... As you say " hope you have a nice day".

Given your handle, and the reputation those animals have, I'm pretty sure if Nev was rude to you you must have had it coming.

I bought a few bits off Nev about 3 years ago. At the time he was more affable, knowledgeable and helpful than anyone I've ever dealt with. Since I'm on the other side of the planet I've only ever e-mailed him, but he couldn't have provided better service if he was down the road. I e-mail him occasionally when I've steered someone towards him and he still takes an interest in how the bike's going. I know a couple of other guys over here who've had bits off him and nobody I know of has ever had a bad word to say about the guy. Maybe it's you?

Aware you don't have any insight what has taken place so no offence taken.
Some businesses aren't too big on handing out free advice. There's a small engine repair place up the road from me that is pretty quick to say to someone "why don't you ask the place where you bought the parts?". Not saying it's right or wrong. I can, however, understand both sides of the argument.
Have to put in my two bob & say Nev couldn't be more helpful. He's got a big job with my bike (Sabotage with sand) & he's keeping in contact with me to tell me either good or bad news. He tells me like it is & I like that (honesty) & I like your'e last post Ponters, hopefully when I get mine back I'll have some bragging rights too.
I have to chip in here
I believe my bike was the first to go over 200rwhp N/A years ago
That was done with parts from Nev & bucket loads of help,advice, guidence throughout the build process.
I have since purchased other parts from Nev, he has continued to be helpful above & beyond even though I'm on the other side of the planet.
I would not hesitate to recommend Nev to anyone (& I do not do that lightly)
Guess the difference between me and Donny and you blokes is .. we aren't paying customers. Maybe if we were we would have experienced what you have.