Peak Horsepower

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As someone mentioned, to 60 probably did not change gears. So you are saying racer changed gears at 4k rpms to quarter mile time? I say it defies common sense.
I didn’t say that. The racer may have shifted into 2nd at about 6700 rpm or he might have hit 60 in first below 6700 rpm.
Just to help out with this discussion.... horsepower doesn't exist, there is no such actual thing.

Well - except for horses.

Torque is a measurable twisting force created by the engine. Horsepower is just a calculated figure contrived by (I think) James Watt to "compare"different engines.

That should add to the confusion....... :cool:
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I didn’t say that. The racer may have shifted into 2nd at about 6700 rpm or he might have hit 60 in first below 6700 rpm.
OK, my point was shifting at PEAK TORQUE 4K RPMS will NOT give fastest run. I don't get it.
Hi again all,

If you want to see a demonstration of torque, check out this video.

That is a 150 Hp Case steam engine that was built new in 2018. It came to the Western Minnesota Steam Threshers Reunion the next year. Not only was I there, I was the person running the Prony Brake (dyno). That is my voice you hear calling out numbers. We got 4990 Ft-lb of torque at about 170 Hp.

Jerry C
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