Okay. I asked my wife about the strength of what you are taking. Basically it's the same strength, except for the Tylenol, as the Norco 10/325's I used to take for my back. Unless you are superman, those things will
"Hook ya up" in no time! Ask me how I know. I had a drunk driver hit me head on while on duty in 1998. It blew out my L5/S1 disk. I ate Norco for ten years for the pain. I finally detoxed off the crap and will
NEVER GO BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Any of the Hydrocodone or Oxycodone type pain killers are like shooting Heroine!! Come on now,,,,,only six a day? And how long have you been taking them my friend????
I was around 15 a day when I quit!
I'm not ashamed to admit it! It's a national epidemic and the doctors are scripting them like candy!!! If you can maintain six a day for a long period of time ,,,my hat's off to ya!! Not many can!!