Yep I am finally moving as the Lortab10's have kicked in.
It is 18mm as Hans stated. Actually I have been moving for a little while I just spaced it out sorry for the delay :)

Now back to machining Rocket parts for Carpenter Racing, the UK and Peter down under :D
Lots to do before I go under the knife Tuesday and cannot move!!!!

WOW! Loratab 10's and you are going to go work with machinery! I hope you don't cut your fingers off! My wife is a Pharmacist and I hear about all of the pain meds she dispenses. That's some strong **** to be working on machinery or driving a vehicle on!!! I hope you don't ever have to get a new screen name like"Stubby" or something!! :eek:
WOW! Loratab 10's and you are going to go work with machinery! I hope you don't cut your fingers off! My wife is a Pharmacist and I hear about all of the pain meds she dispenses. That's some strong **** to be working on machinery or driving a vehicle on!!! I hope you don't ever have to get a new screen name like"Stubby" or something!! :eek:
Na bud I have been on them so long I am used to them. I only eat 6 10/500's a day. I also have a pretty fast metabolism and burn them up fast. I cut a couple fingers off years ago sober if I ever do it again which I hope not I would like to be wasted when it happens :D
Thank god they were able to sew them back on or picking my nose would be kind of hard:D
Like heroine!!!

Okay. I asked my wife about the strength of what you are taking. Basically it's the same strength, except for the Tylenol, as the Norco 10/325's I used to take for my back. Unless you are superman, those things will "Hook ya up" in no time! Ask me how I know. I had a drunk driver hit me head on while on duty in 1998. It blew out my L5/S1 disk. I ate Norco for ten years for the pain. I finally detoxed off the crap and will NEVER GO BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any of the Hydrocodone or Oxycodone type pain killers are like shooting Heroine!! Come on now,,,,,only six a day? And how long have you been taking them my friend????:D I was around 15 a day when I quit! :(

I'm not ashamed to admit it! It's a national epidemic and the doctors are scripting them like candy!!! If you can maintain six a day for a long period of time ,,,my hat's off to ya!! Not many can!! :(

All, thanks for the advice and the kind welcome. I had a tickle in the back of my mind re the sensor and didn't want to do anything stupid on account of brain fog. The winter has been unusually mild so I wasn't jonesing for some saddle time too badly. Took it as a sign from above. That and the loving glare from my domestic goddess had me doing the yard instead. Sadly, all we have is Apple stuff except for my lappie and the PCV program is Windows only. Happily, got my laptop back last night so we are in business again. IPads, fat fingers and email just don't blend well.

Hanso - sent a PM from work Fri AM and the PC went stupid when I pushed the submit button - did it get through?
That "on duty" reference tickled my curiosity.
You a retarded Bull, Amigo?
All, thanks for the advice and the kind welcome. I had a tickle in the back of my mind re the sensor and didn't want to do anything stupid on account of brain fog. The winter has been unusually mild so I wasn't jonesing for some saddle time too badly. Took it as a sign from above. That and the loving glare from my domestic goddess had me doing the yard instead. Sadly, all we have is Apple stuff except for my lappie and the PCV program is Windows only. Happily, got my laptop back last night so we are in business again. IPads, fat fingers and email just don't blend well.

Hanso - sent a PM from work Fri AM and the PC went stupid when I pushed the submit button - did it get through?
no I dont recall one from you resend it
Okay. I asked my wife about the strength of what you are taking. Basically it's the same strength, except for the Tylenol, as the Norco 10/325's I used to take for my back. Unless you are superman, those things will "Hook ya up" in no time! Ask me how I know. I had a drunk driver hit me head on while on duty in 1998. It blew out my L5/S1 disk. I ate Norco for ten years for the pain. I finally detoxed off the crap and will NEVER GO BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any of the Hydrocodone or Oxycodone type pain killers are like shooting Heroine!! Come on now,,,,,only six a day? And how long have you been taking them my friend????:D I was around 15 a day when I quit! :(

I'm not ashamed to admit it! It's a national epidemic and the doctors are scripting them like candy!!! If you can maintain six a day for a long period of time ,,,my hat's off to ya!! Not many can!! :(

I don't keep track but I have been on them since September last year. So its not as long as after the last surgery I think I will be on something stronger next week right after the surgery but thats because I have been on these so long I kind of built up a tolerance to them. I been on the Norco before right after they put the plate and screws in my shoulder they are about the same as you said only look different. I was getting the Norco in bottle of 180 probably only use them for 4 months then went to injections in the shoulder to numb it. Get them now every 45 days Some type of mixture of three chemicals so I can keep working and not feel it. I went on the Lortab10 after they put the post in the socket joint to re-attach the labrum and fixed two tendions that were torn. They also removed a bursa sack that they had been watching grow sinse the accident. Somtimes working in a prison can get exciting if you know what I mean.

I know what you mean about being carefull about getting hooked on them I always worry about that. I do not plan on it either and as soon as the surgery is done and rehab I will be off them as usual. I have not had a problem with them on the last three suregries so I do not forsee one this time either.
Looking forward to retirement next year as I will have 31.5 years down and I think its time to go and leave the ruff stuff to the youngsters :D
I don't keep track but I have been on them since September last year. So its not as long as after the last surgery I think I will be on something stronger next week right after the surgery but thats because I have been on these so long I kind of built up a tolerance to them. I been on the Norco before right after they put the plate and screws in my shoulder they are about the same as you said only look different. I was getting the Norco in bottle of 180 probably only use them for 4 months then went to injections in the shoulder to numb it. Get them now every 45 days Some type of mixture of three chemicals so I can keep working and not feel it. I went on the Lortab10 after they put the post in the socket joint to re-attach the labrum and fixed two tendions that were torn. They also removed a bursa sack that they had been watching grow sinse the accident. Somtimes working in a prison can get exciting if you know what I mean.

I know what you mean about being carefull about getting hooked on them I always worry about that. I do not plan on it either and as soon as the surgery is done and rehab I will be off them as usual. I have not had a problem with them on the last three suregries so I do not forsee one this time either.
Looking forward to retirement next year as I will have 31.5 years down and I think its time to go and leave the ruff stuff to the youngsters :D

Let me tell ya about retirement my friend. Here is my spiel on it. I will have been retired for eight years this April. YOU better have lot's of stuff to do. When I retired I started a tractor business doing grading. It was great! I felt like for once in my life I was doing something that I could see an immediate result. Making lot's of bucks too. Not like being a cop.

But,,,, when the economy crashed, I had to sell the business. So now I am bored out of my head!!!!!! If I wasn't do you really think I would spend so much time on this forum??:rolleyes:

I can only ride my Mules and my Rocket just so much. So make sure you have a lot of "stuff" to do, which doing machine work on the side it sounds like you do, before you retire. It ain't the panacea most think it is when they are working!!!!!!!!!!

As far as the drugs. I'm glad you are one of the few that can not get hooked up on them. Most do. Like all of the Heroine addicts I have dealt with in my 28 years, the first time is the best. After that all you do is "Chase the dragon" trying to find the high and stay out of "Dope sickness!!!!" (Man I can't believe I'm saying this crap on a public forum. I must like you guys!) ;)

Yes the Norco took my pain away. Hell I hurt all over now! But the smooth, warm, feeling from the drug was addicting to me. After a couple of years I was reeled in! I used to be a big beer drinker in my days. No more. I'm good for one at a Mexican restaurant. The high from Alcohol could never ever match the smooth high from Norco. That's most likely why I got hooked on them.

But never again. I stopped taking them in 08 and went through the Hell of detox cold turkey on my own. No smooth drug program like the Hollywood crowd. Never again. It was pure hell and made me feel like a cheap dope addict. I was ashamed and pissed that I,,,of all people,,,could fall victim to that crap. Now I fully understand why Heroine is so hard to get off of. Bad cram man. Bad crap. The drug has also affected my short term memory. Big time! My doctor tells me it will take time. I hope, as I feel like I have Alzheimer's some times! Let this be a warning to ALL who reads this post on this forum!!

Stray safe and press on!:D
Thanks for the advice bud I will watch it. ALthough I don't get that same mellow feeling as you say. It might be because I experimented with stuff when I was a sailor back in the psychedelic erra :) Yes been there done that went to pluto to see what was out there. That being said I check myself everytime I take a pill. Not much drinking here maybe once a year on a special occasion when there is some good corn available in a mason jar so I can shake it to see how much its been cut :D

I will heed your advice though and thank you for being so bold as to put it out there. Beside I have to carry my 22 year old on my back there is no room for a monkey :D