PCV and headers/collector question.

So it seems like a PCV isn't needed, all the PCV does can be configured using either TuneECU or TuneBoy as well on a test bench.
Also, the Triunph dealer uses TuneECU himself and he has a test bench.
My tuner has a more professional bench and more tuning knowledge and is willing to use TuneBoy in stead of PCV if I want that.
Thus remains the question: what more do I get from a $500 TuneBoy that I can't get with a $20 TuneECU ?

I had a TTS supercharger kit and then added some of Carpenter Racings work. In fact everything that comes with his 240 kit and then larger titainium intake valves. larger cam buckets O-ringed head and Crower rods. Its a little spunky when you twist the throttle
The real difference between the two is Tune boy has a wee bit more advanced thing to it if you buy the live tuning version which also can be wireless and has a wide ban O2 sensor system with it and Multi trim capability. You should contact them to get a full quote as the live tuning is about the best thing since sliced bread. with it you can make fueling an dtiming changes and actually see them then on a dyno where there older style and Tune ecu styl is the operator makes some changes and then shuts the bike down and reflashes the ecu. Not that thast bad I have both it just the if a dyno guy knows live tuning you might save some money in dyno time. Its all about the tuner and his knowledge and how much money you want to spend. The only other differences is you can rais eht espeed limiter higher with tune boy and there are High rpm maps from tune boy. For instance my rev limiter is set at 9000 rpms and I use every bit of it. As for my speed limiter its at 1000 KPH so as not to be in my way. But if your not panning on Warp speed then Tune ECU is also fine. Both have great diagnostic capabilities which can save you money in the long run.
Yeah, I bet the 240hp must be kickass.
Well, the Triumph dealer uses TuneEcu with his test bench so i think I'll go with that.
And make me some custom headers and collector to fit the Tors.
If you are going to make some headers, make sure you post pics, and it may be worthwhile making a jig as you may get a few requests to make some more.
I have been satisfied with the TORS . . . BUT, they (as do the stockers) slant up too high and are too fat, robbing one of pannier space.

Now that I have a good crash out of the way with this motor, I am considering more ponies. Not Warp 9.9 speed - perhaps cracking 200 hp would be good.
When able to ride again, I shall peruse our web site for residents nearby Carp and then commence ass kissing for a free room while work is done. A long ride from WA State; but, doable.

#1) Excuse my ignorance; but, were you saying the speed restriction can not be changed with Tune ECU?
#2) What would be the approximate turn around at Carp's, assuming I had previously arranged a summer appointment?
The speed limiter is limited on Tune ecu where if you know what you doing in tune boy the speed limiter can be set to 9999 kph. As for the turn around time I cannot answer that but I can check with Art. I think it really depends on the cam turn around time and how many bikes are in the shop. I would call and ask.
Yeah, I bet the 240hp must be kickass.
Well, the Triumph dealer uses TuneEcu with his test bench so i think I'll go with that.
And make me some custom headers and collector to fit the Tors.
Ya I remmeber when I only had 240 HP but it was still pretty spunky
Now its just insane
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TuneECU can raise the limit to 300 from memory. How fast were you planning on going?