Paint Can Rattle


Can we narrow down or pin point the date in 06 that they upgated the chain. I would like to know so I can check my serial # and see if I should start helping the problem along so I can get it done under warranty.

Oops, too late No damage thankfully
Speaking of upgrades, this and that, and more included Tourer or base models. A set of uncommon yet necessary top drawer tools set wouldn't be asking too much. I still haven't found where the 12mm allen wrench works
Just heard back from the dealer after taking the bike in last saturday to let them hear the noise. Am taking it back Oct. 6th and they are going to check the timing chain for stretch, along with checking the tensioners and guides and gears. Service manager said that the tensioners are not able to handle much wear at all. They will have the bike for a week, but promised me it will be back together by the next saturday.
Great. So I bought my 05 with 400 miles on it and have had the rattle the whole time. I sold my VTX 1800 that I Pounded on for 50k and never had one problem with it. Now I am looking at around a 2k repair before long? Of course no warranty even with 1500 miles. From everything I read I thought these were really good motors? What a drag. I have put over 6k in accessories since I bought it. Guess it's too late to turn back now.......
Great. So I bought my 05 with 400 miles on it and have had the rattle the whole time....Now I am looking at around a 2k repair before long? Of course no warranty even with 1500 miles...

Get it to a dealer for assessment and documentation. There's some hope with documentation. Don't get disstressed over it Has the noise level heightened? "It" may never change to godawful noisey! extended aftermarket warranty.
Well I have had my bike back for 2 weeks now and it has never run stronger! The cam chain gear replaced and all is quiet. It even had a service bulletin on it to adjust the throttle positioners, they were off by the way. These are done by voltage readings for those who don't know, I did'nt before this. Also had the valves checked and had one shim changed out. Total cost $0. I haven't looked yet but my dealer told me you can tell if you have the new design on the cam gear because it has a lip on the outside of the gear to keep the chain better secured. You can look at it by taking off the black inspection cover on the front of the motor, the gear is right behind it.

I wonder when Triumph came out with the new design?? And when they started putting it on the bikes?


It's in his earlier post.
I don't think it is any louder? I thought it was my cat that was doing it which was another reason I wanted to go with the new pipes and get rid of the cat. I will see what happens and talk to the dealer in Denver. I am about 5 hours away so I don't know if I will be able to make it there until next spring as it is practically winter here in WY.

It's in his earlier post.

I looked through all the posts on this thread and didn't find his earlier post. Please link.

I've got two days until delivery to the dealer for this horrendous paint can rattle. Horrendous is the correct word for it. It best not explode over the next 100 miles! I drive it daily and everyday until the hurricane floods keep me from it.
Mine is a late origin 06 with an '07 model year, it's probably a left over 05 engine with the silver gray painted engine. I'll wager...your paycheck Flip I'm not sure whether I'm hearing of '07 Tourers now with a black engine??? They've run out of left over '05 silver gray engines perhaps???