Paint Can Rattle

could you please pm me the list of parts that they changed. I too have the paint can rattle and it is starting to effect the way the bike runs. I was at a triumph dealer today and priced out all of the parts on the front of this engine, ( chain the three sprockets, all guides, fasteners, key for keyway and the gasket set) price for just parts was a little over 1400 dollars. the service manager told me it would cost me a little over 2000 for them to do it. by the way my bike is now past the warranty period. yee haa let the games begin. I wonder how many customers will have to pay for this repair before triumph will consider it a recall issue. my bike only has 16500 miles on it. sure seems to soon for things to be wearing out like this already. Rademis

2K is about 18% of the bikes total worth. Time to park it in a seedy part of town with the keys in the ignition or peddle it on Flea bay.

Here is a scenario. Used to be common in snowmobiles that guys would run the snot out of a new sled all season and in late winter or early spring, take the sled to a remote trail, put a stiff rubber band over the fun-o-lever, step off and yank the rip cord. The sled heads off down the trail at WOT and kaboom, sucker punches a tree at 60 or so. Totals the sled, guy collects insurance and gets a new one for next year. Won't work on a bike. No way to keep it upright without training wheels and that's a dead giveaway. Insurance guys call the sled thing...'hoseclamping':)
I just called my dealer about the rattle. My '05 is out of warranty but it was in last summer and the dealer couldn't find where the rattle came from but it is documented inside the warranty period. It will be interesting to see if I am going to be covered. On the "dealer charges" issue it is worth noting that what Triumph pays for warranty work is peanuts. I think they allowed .3hrs (twenty minutes) for the final drive recall so I think we can assume that the dealer loses money on most warranty work.
Im picking up my Rocket tomorrow from having the (paint can rattle) cam chain gear replaced. My dealer told me that Triumph allowed 5 hrs. for the job. He also told me that the cam chain gear was updated on late 06 models so anything before has the old design.
You have to scratch your head and wonder who wrote their flat rate manual. No wonder dealers like to sell acessories. If the flat rate is true, they are getting screwed on their time. That would explain whay the dealership network is stagnant. Who's gonna invest 250K to floorplan the bikes and take it in the pooper on warranty work and it seems that there is a fair amount.
For all interested

Here are the part numbers used for the warranty claim on my rattle. Some are are to make out from the carbon copy and handwriting. I'll hope for the best.
9--------- T1260209----------- Seal
1--------- T1260079----------- Seal Cover
2--------- T1141126----------- Sprocket
4--------- T3050062----------- Cup Screws
1--------- T1142047----------- Blade
1--------- T1142050----------- Blade
2--------- T31550130 ---------Bolt
2--------- 3550029t0301------ Washer
1--------- T1140187----------- Gasket
1--------- T1140180----------- Tensoner
1--------- T1142030----------- Chain
1--------- T1140031----------- Sprocket
1--------- T1100045----------- Key
2----------7100039-t0301----- Clamp
1--------- T3050061----------- Cup Screw

Hope this helps. Please be advised that my water pump was also replaced under warranty and some of the gaskets, washers, and screws may pertain to that install. Your dealer should be able to sort out what is what.
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Good info Britman. Certainy beats the standard cure that a Southern European dealer had prescribed to some of his perplexed-turning-irate customers.


True tale, BTW. Jamie
..My dealer told me that Triumph allowed 5 hrs. for the job. He also told me that the cam chain gear was updated on late 06 models so anything before has the old design.

... Earplugs.

Early on, with my very very late '06 birthed 07 Tourer, the earplugs were an answer. However very recently the noise has amplified 10 fold. With a full helmet muffling sounds the paint can rattle has become horrendous. I'm sitting right at 10k.

Changed out the final drive gear oil yesterday. Nasty! There was a lot of heavy particulates. Went with Amsoil SVG75w90. I'm lucky to have a neighbor with a 10mm allen wrench.
Final drive ooops..


Be very careful when tightening the drain plug on the final drive unit. The plug has a magnetic slug press fitted in the body and has a relief necked into the base. The metal is very thin where the neck is and if you over torque the plug, it will break right off.