Paint Can Rattle


First let me state, if you have the "rattle" you will know it. In my 2005 Rocket it would appear between 1800 and 2000 rpm whether accelerating or decelerating. Whoever coined the term for the noise was dead on. It sounds exactly like the the rattle of a spray paint can. It never affected performance, was always present, although mine seemed to get louder when the bike was hot. I researched all of the sites and there are numerous threads on the noise. Some say all Rockets make the sound, which is total bull doo. Rockets do have engine noise, you are sitting on top of what is equivalent to car motor and you are going to hear normal engine sounds. The rattle is not normal. Other threads relate the fix to bad or worn key ways, or bottom sprocket. I am glad in my case they are replacing everything. Before I dropped my bike off, I knew it would be a minimum of two weeks because of workload, it is a small Dealership. Of course I was told they would try to work me in sooner and so forth, (smoke up the butt). In hindsight, I should have had them diagnose the problem, order the parts, and kept riding. After all she rattled all the way to Smashville and back running above 80 most of the way. My warranty is up in November so I wanted to have the matter addressed prior to that. When I carried the bike in I took copies of the threads relating to rattle and the informal recall info on the idle tune with me. It was also due for the 10K checkup, so it will be interesting to see what if any charges they attempt. I would think adjusting the valves would be part of the cam chain install, and I passed on the oil change. I'll post when she comes home. If she ran that great with a rattle, I can't wait to see how she does now.
I've got 52k on my Rocket and have had the paint can rattle off and on for the past 42k. I figure if there was something wrong I would know it by now. Maybe it will go at the 100k mark.

Remember, there is no wrath like a fat bottomed girl scorned.

Which dealer do you use? Happy with them?

Some custom paint shop somewhere in Littletown somewhere in the US of A.

Shake, rattle and... roll.

shake Rattle And Roll On....................

Jamie and Flip

Aren't you two ashamed of making fun of another Rocket Captain when his beast is down!!!!! I might be old be I do still have feelings. Everyone should try going a month without a Rocket. At our age, we can do the thirty days without sex a hell of allot easier.


I used Colonial Cyclesports in Colonial Heights Va. where I bought both of my Triumphs. I will let you know what my final opinion is this week when I pick the bike up. I sure am not happy about the down time. By the way welcome back to the site, Colonel. Been on a paid government vacation again?

Least we soon forget about the pictures that you so innocently posted on this site.......

I feel for you. At least you have a package by Friday. You can hang them around your wife's neck on a gold chain.

Ain't heard squat about next year. Of course Raymond is off playing with the young lasses again.....not that it's all bad.