Paint and finish concerns

Good luck! Keep us posted please.
I just saw this in another thread... I tried everything and eventually had to get the dealer to replace the bad parts under warranty. Sucks that this is happening so quickly. Mine was in this condition on the showroom floor so, there is an issue in the manufacturing and/or QA process.
I have this on my aluminum parts too. I think it is tree sap. It does something to the metal but it doesn’t do that to the paint. The sap comes off when you clean the bike’s painted parts but pits on the aluminum.
I have this on my aluminum parts too. I think it is tree sap. It does something to the metal but it doesn’t do that to the paint. The sap comes off when you clean the bike’s painted parts but pits on the aluminum.
Aint no sap on my bike …. I put it down to **** aluminium
looks alot like some sort of solvent splashes...have you given it a good rub with Autosol or similar...i often give the alloy bits on my scoot a going over.
Waiting as well
I polished the crap out of it with purple polish , it made it less noticeable,
still see it a bit. I reckon it will come back in a few weeks, wait and see I guess

Waiting as well
I polished the crap out of it with purple polish , it made it less noticeable,
still see it a bit. I reckon it will come back in a few weeks, wait and see I guess
I had same on metal part 3R that I have just bought second hand. I use wet and dry paper 1500 and Autosol.