Paint and finish concerns

I would take it back to the dealer and ask WHAT THE ****.
I’d make sure it was not something on the surface first. Then take it back and ask that question.
Sonny and DrD both make good points, but the question is what came first the chicken or the egg???????? personally I would take it back to the dealer first and let him have a look at it, always better to have a paper trail started.
And watch them wipe it off and look like a dumb azz.
As I said on other site - clean with salt free cleaner, polish and see what it looks like. I would report to dealer - as to keep a record. However the paint lifting - that should not happen, you have not purchased a cheap bike and would expect a premium finish. All the best mate....keep us all informed
I had something similar on my first Roadster on the back wheel, took it to the dealer and raised a customer service case with Hinckley HQ for the lacquer coming off. The response "It is not lacquered, have you tried polishing it?", bike was ex demo, never cleaned and bike took it hard!
I would be making sure your'e well happy with the photos you have got so they show the damage real good , take notes of the dates you noticed the damage then do the polishing thing...Polishing may fix it...Log every thing you do and when you do it so the whole picture is there in front of you should the dealers become involved.
You dont need them ducking for cover cos your evidence is a bit uncertain.
Keep us posted too please...others may or may not have similar problems.
The train journey damage mentioned is very feasible...but the bike would still be packaged when it was on the train would it not?
Best of luck with it..
If you eventually clean it yourself, 0000 fine steel wool and metal polish takes off just about anything and no scratches.
Then wax the parts that don't get hot.