Ozrider (Les) Big Bore exhuast, 1st in world!

FACT: it makes a lot more power now than with the CES, the question is how much.

It did something it's never done before when I opened it up, sadly the video quality is ****e as I had the camera set to limit ISO to 400, and this was taken at night, but... you get the idea :p

So you can't see it in the movie, but front end came up at 6500 or so in second with me leaned full forward and looking at the logs I wasn't quite at full throttle, 92%. Going to be a handful at the track this year!! These are short shifts, through the gears. 7300 2-3, 7000 3-4 (still haven't hit peak power at that point).

Data logs show the tune written using brutes has the AFRs in the low 13s mostly, 13-13.3 at full power.

Need to find a place to put a mic that will pickup the note, this footage is mostly induction noise, but there's no doubt, you can hear it now over the intake noise when riding the bike!:
That Chain tensioner needs painting. It's not black. Tsk! - sir, tsk!.

Oh and Rob! - from that video. You need adaptive headlights ;)
Rob I know you did not have the pipes on long before you powder coated them but did you by any chance take any temperature readings? curious to see if the coating brings the temp down a bit, I will PM you later unless you want to post it here ,as you know I am looking for a good coater (you posted who you use) what price did they charge as my pipes would cost the same as yours.
@scot in exile Coating was $233, you’ll want to bring them to me to get coated, I get a discount, normal price was 270 :) Normal time frame for coating is drop it off on a Monday have it back on Friday.

They definitely run cooler with the coating on them, but, people over state the effects, it’ll still burn the crap outa you when at running temp if you touch it (ask me how I know:rolleyes:.)

While out riding I felt no radiant heat on the bike, none. Granted I wasn’t stuck in traffic but even 5mph was enough to take any heat away.

Headlight... needs adjusting, forgot to re-aim after taking the front apart last week.
Headlight... needs adjusting, forgot to re-aim after taking the front apart last week.
Rob - You really need to take a night run alongside Steve (at least ask him for his before/after videos). It is so very difficult to understand the advantage of Adaptives - until you have seen them & don't have them.