Ozrider (Les) Big Bore exhuast, 1st in world!

It’s not the same, look closely there are meaningful differences.

Surely there is some inspiration there but it’s not a copy at all. I’ll point the visible ones out when I get home, but some of them lend themselves to making better power.

The biggest deifference can’t be seen, the internal junction of flange to round tube. It’s so smooth you cannot feel the seam with your finger. Not pipes slipped over a flange but butter smooth single piece transition.
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Not mine, but a picture of the Sidewinder from the Carpenter website.
compared to the blatent copy from downunder.

I guess imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. :whitstling:
Hmmm Carpenter wasn't the first spaghetti exhaust and won't be the last. To me it doesn't mean they copied anyone. I like the no springs design hope they don't get accused of copying many other exhaust out there.

I'm not one for the spaghetti type pipes but then that's just me !!!!
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Hmmm Carpenter wasn't the first spaghetti exhaust and won't be the last. To me it doesn't mean they copied anyone. I like the no springs design hope they don't get accused of copying many other exhaust oout there.

I'm not one for the spaghetti type pipes but then that's just me !!!!
I don't care for the look of the twisted snakes either. That's why I went with the Brute pipe again. It looks like a header from an old hotrod.
I’m not a believer that the sidewinder makes the same power as the brute on a 265 kit, and I won’t be until I see an independent back to back test, which will never happen. The SW makes a lot of compromises compared to the brute that absolutely will effect flow. It may match the brute on less capable motors, but I am very doubtful on a 265 kit.

Equal length is over hyped and over sold in the market and media, the gains are typically only seen on extreme motors like F1 etc and turbo motors in high rpm high boost flow.

The brute is no doubt a badass pipe that mkes gobs and gobs of power, just not for me for various reasons.

All of that is why I asked Les to build this one, it minimizes the compromises of the SW, and will likely outflow it as well.

We have a dyno sheet of my bike equipped with the brute from Bob on pump gas, so 251.9 whp is the benchmark, if this comes close or beats it I consider it a success.
Ya you can see the difference in the bends of the header pipes but I think the real difference is right after the merge collector where the brute reduces more to the inlet of the megaphone. Les's is larger plus the megaphone inlet is also larger. As for the stainless wool thru the core and flow difference between the two diffetent megaphones I would only be guessing.

No springs and a solid flange is a winner to me. But I also run the brute with custom heat shields.
All of what you said, with one minor correction of a very reasonable assumption, no packing in the “muffler”. It has a perforated core but only because the law says it has to have a baffle, and on a technicality this counts.
I'm curious to see what kind of numbers it puts out too.

The header looks remarkably similar, and probably has close to the same flow characteristics. I may be very wrong, but it seems like the megaphone would be much better flowing than the end pipe, with the baffle. I'm no expert on exhaust systems, and tuning, but I know it would be a restriction in a fluid system, and would cause turbulent flow at that point.
All of what you said, with one minor correction of a very reasonable assumption, no packing in the “muffler”. It has a perforated core but only because the law says it has to have a baffle, and on a technicality this counts.
Oh so you talked him into leaving the stainless wool out. I see on their site it says they all have it in them. I like that the core is tapered also . Are you getting the wide mouth opening on the reverse cone.