'OzClaw' is now available

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2008 Standard
Aug 14, 2012
Brisbane, Austraila
2008 Standard
After a long hiatus with work and family I am now able to supply the 'OzClaw' again.

They come painted Gloss Black but can also do Matte or Satin Black if requested when ordering.

Its a direct replacement of the standard Bearclaw but unfortunately they do not fit the "Touring" or larger K&N 4040 filters.

...... Pricing is $450.00 AUD plus shipping...........If interested please send PM/Conversation and I will advise availability or lead time

Thankyou, Ozrider


Customer Roadster
OzClaw on Roadster.jpeg

Sample of Carbon Dipped done by customer
OzClaw Carbon Dipped.jpeg

Sample of Vinyl Chrome Wrapped done by customer
OzClaw Chrome wrapped.JPG
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That would look sharp on the X. Need to convince the wife that it will improve the air flow which will help in gas mileage.o_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_O Breeze has one on his bike and it looks sharp. Glad to see your back in business. Will contact shortly.:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Wife called me out she Airflow My @ss. Did agree that it looks sharp. Satin black or shining would agree would look best. Wow 3 out of four post are from Rocket X owners. Go figure. :roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: Hard decision shining black or satin finish:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:
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After a long hiatus with work and family I am now able to supply the 'OzClaw' again.

They come painted Gloss Black but can also do Matte or Satin Black if requested when ordering.

Its a direct replacement of the standard Bearclaw but unfortunately they do not fit the "Touring" or larger K&N 4040 filters.

...... Pricing is $450.00 AUD plus shipping...........If interested please send PM/Conversation and I will advise availability or lead time

Thankyou, Ozrider


Customer Roadster
OzClaw on Roadster.jpeg

Sample of Carbon Dipped done by customer
OzClaw Carbon Dipped.jpeg

Sample of Vinyl Chrome Wrapped done by customer
OzClaw Chrome wrapped.JPG

I'd like one please. Can you email me at jmowens64@yahoo.com. Thank you.
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