Welcome from Houston. Keep what you got...with the right attention your '06 will sing just as loud and proud as any of the new bikes and for less money. There are lots of folks who will help you install just about anything you want to on it, but opinions about WHAT to do to it will vary widely. Enjoy the ride...
BTW...you may notice a roaring sound in mid April when we all blow by your place headed to Arkansas for RAA. You should consider joining us
Tempting.. VERY tempting... but... I'll be in the Hill Country the week before for an annual event .. Then.. Branson 4 weeks later for another annual event. Sounds like I need to add this one to my '16 schedule?
Hey Rick a big Hello from Deep South Texas. Great to see another Texan chiming in and on the Rocket. The fellas here really do help out and steer ya in the correct direction. Lots of horsepower/torque trapped inside our beasts open the box with caution (jms). Anyway ride safe arrive alive.
Tempting.. VERY tempting... but... I'll be in the Hill Country the week before for an annual event .. Then.. Branson 4 weeks later for another annual event. Sounds like I need to add this one to my '16 schedule?
Another dumb question ( I 'll assume I'm limited to 3 total, or 1 week, whichever comes first? ) I couldn't figure out the best place to ask , so WTH, I'll ask here
My '06 ... As I've been researching more the last 24 hrs, than the previous 24 months, I found myself scratching my head .. do I have an RIII or RIII Classic. The obvious answer was 'classic', but .. I don't have boards on the bike, etc. What got me wondering was ... I'd read in '05 or '06 , the engine went to black ( which mine isn't ) .. so I pulled the title to double check the year.... then dug deeper to understand the diff', since I was concerned with performance differences, etc. .... One would have to assume previous owner swapped the boards out.
Can I 'assume' I've got a classic? Doesn't appear to make a difference when ordering parts, etc. It's either a tourer or it's not ( for aftermarket)... but.. had to ask
Another warm welcome to the site from New Jersey, Captain rickkcir.
Do enjoy the ride!
It appears that you bought yourself an R3 Standard model. You're in fine company, as only the coolest cats here have or started out on that original! The Classic model came with floorboards, leather panniers, luggage rack and sissybar, different handlebars, etc.
Another warm welcome to the site from New Jersey, Captain rickkcir.
It appears that you bought yourself an R3 Standard model. You're in fine company, as only the coolest cats here have or started out on that original! The Classic model came with floorboards, leather panniers, luggage rack and sissybar, different handlebars, etc.
On the Standard vs Classic question, besides seeing pics of bikes with the blackened out motors, this threw me a curve ball : "The original model was released in 2004 and has remained in production with only minor modifications other than a change of engine colour from silver to black in 2005."
My bike is pretty much bare bones... just .. a silver color motor ... hence me scratching my head
welcome from arizona.
the classics have a two tone paint job,floor boards mine also has a silver eng. they have other stuff but i can not think of them.
In 06 you could get silver or black engine. From what I can see, your bike looks like a standard. Post a few more pictures showing the entire bike and a shot from the seat showing your handlebars.