Out for a ride

Hey Paul! Beautiful - can you give us some info on those front rotor discs?
Hey Paul! Beautiful - can you give us some info on those front rotor discs?

These are Artrax disc's.
They were hanging on the wall at a local M/C shop, when I asked how much it was something like NZ$400 each..... Nope, not paying that.
Anyway, every time I went in there these disc's "snagged my eyeball" !
So I made an offer of something like NZ$400 for the pair.
Pete the parts manager said O.K. better cash in the till than those hanging on the wall, they've been there 8 years !

will it grow new tyres ?
Nat, I'd just fitted two new tyres prior to this ride.
I get about 8-9 K Km's out of the set.
My "Garden ornament" is growing

I know and certainly a few others here know just how hard you gotta push to wear a tyre that thorough and that quick . I wouldn't wanna race you old man !
I know and certainly a few others here know just how hard you gotta push to wear a tyre that thorough and that quick . I wouldn't wanna race you old man !

It's that old saying Nat, 'How good are the brakes ? Dunno, never use them"
I don't go fast, i just don't slow down for the corners.