Out for a ride

Paul Bryant

Living Legend
Jun 17, 2008
Hamilton. New Zealand
2006 Rocket
The weather forecast Friday night said for a good day Saturday, but heavy rain for Sunday.
So out to get some miles done, I left home about 1.00 PM headed North, then West, then South and across to Raglan by the sea.
Had a Jameson's at the tavern there, then headed East then South to Pirongia.
From Pirongia North to Taupiri, then South home.
All up about 250 Km's.
Usual story, not many photos as am too keen on riding, don't wanta stop.

All these photos taken at Manu Bay, Raglan.

And sure enough, Sunday was real wild, the weather man got it right for a change !
Darn it . Another 3 more rear tyres !
Nat, I'd just fitted two new tyres prior to this ride.
I get about 8-9 K Km's out of the set.
My "Garden ornament" is growing

As long as ya got that stack in the garden, might as well use them to grow ya some 'taters in next spring Paul. Start with one, fill it up with dirt and some seed 'taters. When the sprouts get up 8 inches or so, throw another tire on and fill it with dirt. Keep repeating till yer out of tires.

Wait until fall then just kick the stack over and you'll have more 'taters than ya can swing a cat at.

Beautiful, I mean to get over there from Oz one of these days when business is concluded with the Miners