I ain't sharing a room with the puppy. Besides last time down and about screwed up the toilet so it would not flush all by myself. Plus I talk in my sleep and get up ready to fight sound asleep. OH yea when I fart in my sleep my shi% stinks real bad.
The only patch you get young fella is one to sew on the arse of your jeans so that when Dad kicks your butt it may take a bit of sting out of it!!!
Just want to congratulate you Will on your bike. You have a real sweet ride there...those tbirds are a great bike...just dont let your enthusiasm overtake your good sense...if you doubt a passing maneuver just dont do it...its only time you will lose...be respectful of your abilities...your bikes abilities..other road users and of course your folks...learn and become wise and you will have some beautiful memories like us old farts have..
I have sadly lost two of my cousins thru bike prangs...time never heals that pain... so please take on board what the older guys are saying...nice to have you around,,,even tho i am on the other side of the world.