Opinion wanted, course of action R3T running like a Harley!!!

Where is the fun in all that repair work when a bit of fresh fuel run vigorously through it might make all the problems go away. Now after a good ride if the issues persist I’d check all that stuff you mentioned.
I don't think I was suggesting he do everything at once. "New gas- most likely." If that doesn't work here are other things to consider....
I don't think I was suggesting he do everything at once. "New gas- most likely." If that doesn't work here are other things to consider....
Your suggestions are good sound mechanical advice and I was mostly playing the fool as is my regular role. You guys help others fix stuff and I’m just here for comic relief, if some find my posts amusing. In this case however pushing some new fuel through the system might flush out the gummy old stuff. I was just recommending something very simple to start the process of solving the problem.

Hey there,

Sorry to hear about your struggles, but it's great to see you're ready to get back on the road. From what you've described, it does sound like the fuel injectors might be gummed up from sitting for so long.

Before pulling the injectors, you could try adding a bit more Seafoam directly into the throttle body or running some injector cleaner through the system to see if it improves.

If that doesn't help, pulling the injectors isn't too hard if you're comfortable with some basic wrenching. You'll need to remove the tank and airbox to get to them. As for cleaning, there are services like Injector RX or Fuel Injector Clinic that do a great job.

Good luck, and I hope you're back riding soon!

Ride safe,
If it is the injectors there is only one cure. A variable heat and frequent ultrasonic bath with a pulse modulator. There is a guy here in Denver that does them for $25 each. And when he did my triton Ford injectors he even commented on my rocket that I came to pick them up in. Said he has done quite a few of these rocket injectors.
No amount of solvent is going to solve an injector issue. That varnish is too hardcore and there is more to just them spraying.