Only "Harley bikes matter"?

I do try to stop anytime I see a biker on the side of the road. The last time though, I rolled up on a Motor Cop not realizing he was a Trooper till I was almost stopped. Nice guy, let me know he was okay and off I went. Extremely glad I did stop because I was 20 over the speed limit before I saw him, If I had blown by, I am sure he would have came after me...
Did you remember to show her how to turn back from "Reserve" to "Run"? Many a beginner biker has tried to turn the reserve tank on only to find that it wasn't turned off. This is one good reason to always turn the gas off every time you stop - you have to remember to turn it back on the correct way when you start again.
People can be idiots, a friend of mine in his 70s dropped his Goldwing almost across the street from my house, but no one was home, he said half a dozen Harleys rode by and no one stopped, pretty sad.
I once dropped my ST1300 in my neighborhood. In full view of the street. All kinds of people drove by. Eventually, the FedEx truck showed up, and the guy stopped, and helped right it. I gave him a $20 -- the only thing I had on me at the time.
Back in the late 80's I had ridden to my dad's house, and he happened to be making bread. So he sends me home with a zip lock bag of dough. About 30 minutes out I reach back to be sure it's still strapped good, and it had risen to the point where the bag was about to bust. So there I am on the side of the road kneeding dough, and praying no bikes pass and stop to offer help.
Had a similar situation one time -- my daughter hadn't ridden the bike in a while (2001 Honda CB250 Nighthawk). And she took off for work one morning, called me about noon, all in a huff. "Dang bike just quit, and I tried and tried to restart it. I even tried to roll start it. I had to walk it back home."

Later that evening, when we were both home, I asked her to go look at the fuel valve.

She sheepishly returned.

We repeated what they taught us in Beginner Riders' Course: FINE-C

Fuel, Ignition (key), Neutral, Engine (stop switch), and for those bikes so equipped, choke.

And I certainly had my learning moment. Forgot to return the fuel valve from Reserve to ON, and sure enough, I ran out of fuel just off the interstate. As luck would have it, I only had to push 100 yards or so to go over a hill, then get on the bike and glide. To top it off, while I was pushing, I picked up a police escort who turned his lights and followed me on the shoulder right to the pumps, then was off with a wave and a smile.
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People can be idiots, a friend of mine in his 70s dropped his Goldwing almost across the street from my house, but no one was home, he said half a dozen Harleys rode by and no one stopped, pretty sad.
I always see Harleys broken down more than any other bike and Ive stopped to help a couple but some of the guys get an attitude when they see a metric bike. WOW was just watching GAS MONKEY GARAGE biker build off and the one dude crashed the chopper he was working on didnt go down but tore his leg up on the open primary and screwed up the whole primary drive and clutch assy what an Idiot LOL
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