Funny thing happened to us today;
As most of you know the clutch on my harley broke, its been fixed, also as some of you know, my daughter is learning to ride so she can ride with us to RAA SD.
To test the clutch and for my daughter to get some more saddle time we went for a ride, checked gas on all the bikes and saw that my daughter's bike was low so i made a mental note to stop at a gas station, we took off and before we knew it we were in the middle of no where and i forgot all about gas.
I was leading and was about 1/8 of a mile ahead of my wife and daughter, next thing, on a kinda sharp hill i look on the mirror and i see my daughter and wife pulling over at the bottom of the hill and i'm already on the top starting the down hill so i lose sight of them, i stop and couldn't figure out what happened, then it hit me, GAS!!, I stop the harley and since there is a 1 way road i can't turn around so i dismount and start walking back toward the other side of the hill where my wife and daughter are. I see 2 Harleys on the other side of the road and they gave me the are you ok? look, but all i could do is wave, about 3 minutes later i see these 2 big bad looking harley riders coming on my side of the road, they stop and ask me if i was ok, everything checks out right? WRONG!!!!! They rode past my wife's Can Am Spyder on the side of the road and my daughter's Ninja that she was PUSHING!!!, WITHOUT PAYING ATTENTION TO THEM!!!

, and went straight to me to see if i was ok, i told them i was fine and asked them if they saw 2 bikes at the bottom of the hill and they said yeah there are 2 bikes back there, i said i'm fine and they just went on their way.
I tought it was funny but what if my girls really needed help? I guess we can only wonder....
Other than that i just swithched the Ninja to reserve and went on our way to a gas station, she did a superb job and she is excited about her new hobby