On a side note, I dug out my tune ecu cable, and now I can't read the ecm. Maybe a windows 10 update killed it? I have been trying for over an hour and can't figure it out....
On a side note, I dug out my tune ecu cable, and now I can't read the ecm. Maybe a windows 10 update killed it? I have been trying for over an hour and can't figure it out....
I sometimes have issues connecting. Helps if you hook it all up with tuneecu off. Then open the program. Also, it likes a fully charged battery. So hook it up to a tender.
Get thee to a dyno as soon as possible. With the PCV there should be one within striking distance that can hook up to it. Even if they have never tuned a rocket before they should be able to get you in the 150 hp range and a LOT better mileage. Oh, and I turned off my auto tune years ago. After it was dyno'd the auto tune made things progressively worse over time
Here are some pics of the exhaust I made
Nice job on the exhaust!
Of course a dyno tune by a good tuner is the best solution.
Reading spark plugs is a good old school way of checking if things are way off.
The old method of reading plugs in your driving range would be to run hard, pull the clutch and kill the engine without letting it idle. Prolonged idle could change the spark plug color.

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Well I installed some dpr7ea9 plugs. Got rid of the 8s.
They all looked alright.

I did manage to get tune ECU working. Overnight on the battery tender took care of that.

So what now? You've seen the plugs and the exhaust. What do you guys think?

On a side note, I noticed that the exhaust coming out of one side is a lot cooler than the other side which seems weird. I put the ir sensor on each port and they all read the same temp, so I know they are at least firing.

Nobody around here with a dyno that will help me. Apparently Harley dealers won't dyno a non Harley bike...
I looked on the DynaJet site, entered my zip code, and started calling places until I found one who said, "Come on down."

It helps if you're flexible. Most places I checked would only work with Power Commander, and if you're willing to do that, there are a couple of options. A Power Commander III could temporarily hold your map trim tables, until you import them using TuneECU. The other option is to purchase the Power Command V (*without* auto tune) and have the bike tuned, and leave the PC V on there.
Ok if tune ecu is up lets copy the tune in her so you can see what you have. Then we can go from there.
Might also look at the Auto tune target A/F ratios you have set. I see on their site there is also an O2 sensor test you can perform.

I did notice on mine (without power commander) turning the O2 sensor off with TuneEcu caused the bike to cruise much richer.
