Petroleum Consummate
Today is my one year anniversary with my new Rocket 3GT. Not much to say about it. I haven't even seen it since mid October when I put it in for repairs. Seems they have admitted it was assembled incorrectly from the factory. So after taking it apart several times and replacing thousands of dollars of parts it is ready again. Man, I've been hearing that for a year now. All it needs is the newest download of software. Reset the trouble codes and all is good. Right? This time they're going to throw in the annual service for free. Wow, I'm so happy. What a deal, I can't wait. Actually I will have to wait another week so they can do that. THAT doesn't look like much from the owners manual except for resetting the service light. Trying to decide whether to sell it now or ride it.
How has your 1 year anniversary been? Be honest.
How has your 1 year anniversary been? Be honest.