One Year Anniversary


Road rash heals-Freckles grow back-Ride
Nov 23, 2016
Lafayette Indiana
2015 R3T
Since we have a few inches of snow on the ground at the moment I was sitting here looking at pictures and reminiscing about this past year.

One year ago today our 2015 Rocket 3 Touring was delivered from Windy City Triumph St Charles IL to my friend Kevin's house here in Lafayette. I was out of town on a business trip. Kevin bought a T Bird LT from them. The manager JB delivered both of our bikes for $200.00. That was a blessing. He drove at least 7 hours here and back that day. The money barely covered gas and food.

In November of 2016 Ema and I had gone to Chicago to the Triumph Brutal Tour to see the new bikes. The next day we went to Windy City Triumph to look at a Thunderbird LT. It was a nice bike, but I really wanted hard bags. Ema said,"honey I like the red one." It was our Rocket. I say ours because when the sales person Corey was talking to us about finance options Ema looked at him and said." can I just write you a check for it?" $14,500.00 out the door. The TBird LT Keven bought was the same one I went to look at. Destiny.

Oh by the way. Kevin and I both own Americas.

Around that same time I joined this site to learn what we had just done.

The Rocket is my first bike over 1000cc. Go big or go home right?

My thought after the first real ride was RESPECT. Riding this bike is a partnership. If you do not respect everything this bike is every time you ride it bad things will happen.

The attention it gets amazes me. It is not the same as the America. People still identify the America as a Bonnie and it brings back a lot of fond memories to them. You know that Back in the day stuff. The Rocket is more of What the h@ll is that!!!

The funniest story was Ema and I went to the Memorial Day ride in town and a guy with a 1600 T Bird came up to me and said, Is that a Rocket? Yes it is I replied. He then went about dragging his friends over to look at it and tell them all about it as I stood 20 some feet away musing.

I still feel in many ways the bike and i are still getting to know each other.

The greatest thing this bike has brought me is into the company of all of you.

Many Thanks

WOW! I get to be the first to offer gratitude for your wordsmithing!
You, wife, friend & wife make a fine set of both motors and riders!
Not being a native Texan, I sometimes think I want to move back up north. Thank you for reminding me of one of the reasons why I don't. Although it's raining today, I never winterize my bike because I don't stop using it as my daily commuter.

Also, April 21st will be my 1 year anniversary with my 2015 R3T.
Not being a native Texan, I sometimes think I want to move back up north. Thank you for reminding me of one of the reasons why I don't. Although it's raining today, I never winterize my bike because I don't stop using it as my daily commuter.

Also, April 21st will be my 1 year anniversary with my 2015 R3T.

It is that time of year up here. 5.5 inches of snow yesterday. Gone by 2 pm today. 65 and thunderstorms tomorrow. At least I an not in Canada or Wisconsin.