+1 On the reverse gear, ever parked it facing downhill, where the downhills a cliff, the grounds gravel and there's some snotty nosed kid in the car parked next to laughing his ass off while your trying to push it backwards? That reverse gears suddenly mighty appealing.
+1 On the reverse gear, ever parked it facing downhill, where the downhills a cliff, the grounds gravel and there's some snotty nosed kid in the car parked next to laughing his ass off while your trying to push it backwards? That reverse gears suddenly mighty appealing.
+1 On the reverse gear, ever parked it facing downhill, where the downhills a cliff, the grounds gravel and there's some snotty nosed kid in the car parked next to laughing his ass off while your trying to push it backwards? That reverse gears suddenly mighty appealing.
Mine , being an '07 classic, was pretty much kitted out with sh$% loads of extras,--but often thought a centre-stand would be a good thing to have,--
but , I suppose--being a cruiser they prob' thought it may not look right?.--
Factory fringes for the saddlebags. Maltese cross mirrors . 5 foot tall sissy bar ... you getting the drift ...... oh I forgot .. a 12 inch over springer front end.
Factory fringes for the saddlebags. Maltese cross mirrors . 5 foot tall sissy bar ... you getting the drift ...... oh I forgot .. a 12 inch over springer front end.
I was going to say all that and a **** star in heels and not much else leaning back on the sissy bar. But I don't want to get a clip under the ear from Julie so I won't mention the ****star bit.
+1 On the reverse gear, ever parked it facing downhill, where the downhills a cliff, the grounds gravel and there's some snotty nosed kid in the car parked next to laughing his ass off while your trying to push it backwards? That reverse gears suddenly mighty appealing.