One week ownership

So far, so good, but don't be surprised if you have a puddle in the your garage in the morning. Either your Rocket will have p#ssed on the RK or the RK will have wet itself. Welcome aboard.
Welcome. For me, on my 05 Rocket the perfect fit was Rivco risers & Valkyrie handlebars.

Best o luck wid the new toy!
Welcome from NE USA! I'm glad no cataclysm occurred when you brought your big British lass home. I went to a local bike night yesterday and parked in a forest of HDs without any great travails, so I'm sure you'll be fine.
Parked new to me Rocket Classic beside H.D. Road King. I can say lightening did not strike my home, demons did not scream, the ground did not shake and the valley stayed calm, All is good----except for the gone bad wrong of handle bar design, not good for old geezer, but the fix should be easy. One hell of a bike.

Welcome from Kennewick, Wa
Parked new to me Rocket Classic beside H.D. Road King. I can say lightening did not strike my home, demons did not scream, the ground did not shake and the valley stayed calm, All is good----except for the gone bad wrong of handle bar design, not good for old geezer, but the fix should be easy. One hell of a bike.

Welcome from Deep South Texas. The risers made by revco have help greatly allows me to sit back and enjoy the ride. Stay safe TWO WHEELS and ride when you can.