One person's Bogan is another's Redneck...

Now I realize that bogans would drink any beer available.

What are some good Australian beers that Rocket owners like? The Rocket being a manly (apologies to the other sex) bike favored by Australia's finest?
My Mrs Being a Bogan with a Steve Irwin Bogan
I like "Pure Blonde Beer" and also their new "Pure Blonde Cider" both are Low Carb ... got to watch the weight these days,
but in say that I never have been known to knock back nice cold beer offer by a Mate, as long as it is not a Fosters ....:sick::sick::sick:
Old tropical NT Bogan trick for warm beer - bury cans or bottles in sand, add petrol/gas, stand back and throw a lit match - wait till fire burns out and dig up now much cooler beer and drink!
Taking notes:

Rum- alternate bogan drink.

There are apparently true bogans, and those who act a bogan.

The word "bogan" applies to both sexes. This apparently differs from rednecks, but that requires more research.

Bogans drink any beer, if cold.

Bogans may have a strong preference for beer that is cold and free.

There are celebrity Bogans.
More notes:

Bogans are patriots, love their country and wear patriotic clothing. Or some do.

Bogans apparently have healthy teeth, unlike rednecks. See YouTube below:

The word "Bogan" may also refer to large, muscular forearms, although I cannot see the lady's forearms standing next to Wrecka. Perhaps it was a reference to height or something.

Soon, I will be a Boganologist. Hope it pays well. And know good beer.
More notes:

Bogans are patriots, love their country and wear patriotic clothing. Or some do.

Bogans apparently have healthy teeth, unlike rednecks. See YouTube below:

The word "Bogan" may also refer to large, muscular forearms, although I cannot see the lady's forearms standing next to Wrecka. Perhaps it was a reference to height or something.

Soon, I will be a Boganologist. Hope it pays well. And know good beer.

Those 'Rednecks' look pretty wussy with a 'dentist' assisting, my mate Lance pulled his own teeth with pliers.;):p:D

Our brothers from Central Australia knock a tooth out with a stick and a rock when initiated and smile afterwards.


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