Older rocket

Thanks for the reply. Last year to make it home in time I spent 3 long days in the saddle at high speeds on the interstate and ON highways. The wind burnt me out. Up until that point I never considered a windshield. I'm not crazy about the looks of big windshields, but comfort is starting to take precedence.
True. Some on here love the wind in their hair so to speak and don't care for windshields or just the small OEM. I agree 100% with them, it's just plain cool looking. In my older age I like the comfort so on my 2020 I have a mid size shield that still looks 'OK' but not as clean as the small OEM. Without going into past injuries holding on more tightly without a windshield has a not so good affect on my neck and nerve area so a mid size shield it is and will probably always be.