Been thinking about adding a stock rocket to the stable, the question is;;; new or old.
For what i can gather here in this great forum, parts for the old style rocket are getting hard to find or they are being discontinued. The old style rockets are very affordable right now, there are a few in my neck of the woods ranging from 2013 to 2016 for 6 to 7.5k asking price, which if you show up with 1000 less you will get them.
The new Rockets; They are dropping down in price as well, there are 2 or 3 withing my driving distance that are around my price range. One is a 2021R with 3k miles and an asking price of 15k, messaged the guy and asked him about his bottom dollar and he said made me an offer, i have not replayed yet.
Sooo, hard decision to make!!
BTW, the Indian Chieftain Limited i was going to buy did not happen at the last minute due to seller not disclosing everything about the bike....