Old motorcycle trading cards


Petroleum Consummate
Mar 3, 2022
Gauley Bridge, WV
'21 Rocket 3GT
Most kids collected baseball cards growing up. But back in the late 60's and into the 70's I would spend my change on motorcycle trading cards. A stick of bubble gum and a few cards of bikes. I happened to run across an old card file while cleaning out and thought I'd share.
Some of the glue backing has come off but most are in pretty good condition after 50 years. Sorry the pics got sideways.
mc trading cards.jpeg a few mc cards.jpeg
Man I was just thinking about those the other day and as well as the custom cars and bikes cards
The customisers where over the top in those days
Oh the good old day
I also collected motorcycle brochures. I use to pedal all around Brisbane to the motorcycle shops
and pick up the brochures and I made a folder with the brochures and also test from the bike magazines

I studied the bikes every night and knew the specifications like the back of my hand. I also use
to sneak the latest dirt bike mags into class and hide them in my text books and read them in class.

I got 4 of the best with a strap once after being caught. Never stopped me though.