Old Monaro in the back paddock

I hate cars ... cars are coffins man .... I've always had F100s .. that's when I've actually owned a 4 wheeler. Truth is I nearly always had to call the RACQ for a jumpstart when I needed to use them . Never drove them much , always took my bike.
Hungry bloody thing Goth. Your getting a bit exited there you would have only had Hillman's and Austen's to race over the ditch.

I do get excited talking about the old Val, had some great times in that beast. The motor was a bit tired when I got it, I was about 16 years old and rebuilt it myself. I was working for an engine re-conditioner at the time who happened to race stock cars with the slant six. I put ford 120 pistons in it planed the head by 1/8 of an inch (larger valves as well from memory), modified the manifold to take a twin choke progressive carb. The Boss had a cam grinder so we put the hottest cam possible in her, a set of extractors and fixed plate distributor to complete the job. Forget first gear mate I would just drop it in second and plant it, it would spin the wheels until the speed caught up with them. It beat everything in town cougars, chevs, fords, I rolled it chasing some hoods down a foot path. Twelve people in it wheels spinning off the grass onto the road, it got traction real fast and wheel stood. I was trying to turn it but the front was off the ground and when it came down it flipped. I cut the roof off it and drove it for a year with no roof. Not to forget the A35 I had that would do a ton 15, that had torque that would spit the wheels off and by the way I did manage to roll a few Hillmans but that wasn't hard to do.

A misspent youth .............. maybe.
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My first car was a Metropolitan Nash. Had a valve radio in the dash, spats over the wheel arches.
Thought it was the most un-cool car for picking up until I realised the girls didn't care what it was as long as it was a car!
Now you boys just ain't right (but those are some mighty fine stories)!

Wish I'd 'a been there!


Only in NZ .. would this sort of thing take place breeding ground of countless generations of hooligans and troublemakers ... hahahaha
the area I lived in London was always fun times. In those days it seemed like you could get away with anything relating to cars and bikes.
A school mate of mine stuck a Bonny motor in a Lambretta scooter. It was where your feet were supposed to be. Another school mate took all the panels off and cut down an Ariel 2 stroke into a kneeler. He removed the expansion chambers and extended the pipes. You couldn't hear yourself think it was so loud.
There were a few hooligans and troublemakers up the back at Grevillia in the late 70's and early 80's trust me.