Old Monaro in the back paddock

I hate cars ... cars are coffins man ...:cool:. I've always had F100s .. that's when I've actually owned a 4 wheeler. Truth is I nearly always had to call the RACQ for a jumpstart when I needed to use them . Never drove them much , always took my bike.

This was my Rocket Gold Star, I was about 17 when I bought it and still young and stupid when I sold it.[/ATTACH]
Hungry bloody thing Goth. Your getting a bit exited there you would have only had Hillman's and Austen's to race over the ditch.:D

I do get excited talking about the old Val, had some great times in that beast. The motor was a bit tired when I got it, I was about 16 years old and rebuilt it myself. I was working for an engine re-conditioner at the time who happened to race stock cars with the slant six. I put ford 120 pistons in it planed the head by 1/8 of an inch (larger valves as well from memory), modified the manifold to take a twin choke progressive carb. The Boss had a cam grinder so we put the hottest cam possible in her, a set of extractors and fixed plate distributor to complete the job. Forget first gear mate I would just drop it in second and plant it, it would spin the wheels until the speed caught up with them. It beat everything in town cougars, chevs, fords, I rolled it chasing some hoods down a foot path. Twelve people in it wheels spinning off the grass onto the road, it got traction real fast and wheel stood. I was trying to turn it but the front was off the ground and when it came down it flipped. I cut the roof off it and drove it for a year with no roof. Not to forget the A35 I had that would do a ton 15, that had torque that would spit the wheels off and by the way I did manage to roll a few Hillmans but that wasn't hard to do.

A misspent youth .............. maybe.
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My first car was a Metropolitan Nash. Had a valve radio in the dash, spats over the wheel arches.
Thought it was the most un-cool car for picking up until I realised the girls didn't care what it was as long as it was a car!
I do get excited talking about the old Val, had some great times in that beast. The motor was a bit tired when I got it, I was about 16 years old and rebuilt it myself. I was working for an engine re-conditioner at the time who happened to race stock cars with the slant six. I put ford 120 pistons in it planed the head by 1/8 of an inch (larger valves as well from memory), modified the manifold to take a twin choke progressive carb. The Boss had a cam grinder so we put the hottest cam possible in her, a set of extractors and fixed plate distributor to complete the job. Forget first gear mate I would just drop it in second and plant it, it would spin the wheels until the speed caught up with them. It beat everything in town cougars, chevs, fords, I rolled it chasing some hoods down a foot path. Twelve people in it wheels spinning off the grass onto the road, it got traction real fast and wheel stood. I was trying to turn it but the front was off the ground and when it came down it flipped. I cut the roof off it and drove it for a year with no roof. Not to forget the A35 I had that would do a ton 15, that had torque that would spit the wheels off and by the way I did manage to roll a few Hillmans but that was't had to do.

A misspent youth .............. maybe.

Only in NZ .. would this sort of thing take place :rolleyes: breeding ground of countless generations of hooligans and troublemakers ... hahahaha
the area I lived in London was always fun times. In those days it seemed like you could get away with anything relating to cars and bikes.
A school mate of mine stuck a Bonny motor in a Lambretta scooter. It was where your feet were supposed to be. Another school mate took all the panels off and cut down an Ariel 2 stroke into a kneeler. He removed the expansion chambers and extended the pipes. You couldn't hear yourself think it was so loud.