Well Hi all
Thanks for all the replies

I would post pictures if I knew how lol

I'm British now living in Georgia USA So naturally I had to go triumph !!
Where is the post pic on this site ?
It's cafe set up kinda ! Straight bars with yolk extensions so bars don't hit the tank So you're hanging over the tank with the foot pegs so far forward its bloody uncomfortable. Changing bars today
welcome from Arizona
the classic floor boards are nice if you like floor boards.
Well Hi all
Thanks for all the replies

I would post pictures if I knew how lol

I'm British now living in Georgia USA So naturally I had to go triumph !!
Where is the post pic on this site ?
Welcome. If your using an IPhone take a photo of the bike, go to upload a file, then choose file, theme choose existing or take photo if you haven't already taken it. When it loads I usually hit full image, when it loads hit post reply.
Hello Trumpet, Glad to see you bought a Rocket. Tell us why?

Oh, and welcome to the insane asylum. Pretty good bunch of girls and guys here ready to help out with the upcoming list of modifications. Just ask.

Ride safe.