Well, like I said, the 1st weekend of Oklahoma Bike Week was kind of dead.. the crowd was virtually non-existent, although it was a little better Saturday night. It did rain all day Saturday though, so that probably turned a lot of people away. Don't get me wrong, there was some nudity and a tittie show... can't complain there..
The most exciting part was my trip home, where when I hit OK Hwy 9, the weather suddenly turned very bad, with clouds going in 2 directions and the wind picked up violently. When I turned right on OK Hwy 9, I was behind a tornado chase vehicle, like you see on TV!! I thought to myself that in this weather, it's probably not good to be following a tornado chase vehicle..

But I proceeded, battling the wind and made it through with no issues... By the time I reached I-35, the wind was back to normal. I did end up following that storm for the next several hours and each time I caught up with it, I pulled over and waited for it to move on.. lol
Here's a couple of pics..
Getting Ready to ride to Oklahoma..
Waiting here for the storm to move on.. This is toward the tail of the storm..