Joe Gibbs Driven Racing oil. But I would use the Motul 15W50. Good oil is cheaper then good parts. Then some of use do not have weak OEM parts in our bikes because WE LIKE HORSE POWER:D
When I bought my R3T the factory was still using Mobile 1. The break-in oil was semi-synth. Then at the break-in service (500 miles) we would switch up to full synth.
Somewhere along the way Castrol got the oil gig and I switched from Mobile 1 to Castrol because I bought my stuff through the dealership.
(for those who have not aware, I am a former certified Triumph technician)
Now that I have moved on from that job I am having a hard time justifying the cost of a factory oil filter and 5 quarts of the factory recommended oil because I am paying full price.
(I'm a cheap bastard too)
In all of my previous bikes (save for a BMW K-series and my S&S powered chopper) I ran Shell Rotella non-synth and Emgo oil filters.

Any thoughts, comments, suggestions, snark, un-used pennies or musings on running Shell Rotella synthetic oil and Emgo filter?
I have heard of a few cases of premature cam wear/failure on flat tappet engines from using car oils with not enough zddp (zinc and phosphate compounds), may not apply to Rocket engines, though.
;)I'm glad you guys chimed in on the Castrol Power 1 Racing 4T 10W-40 I never realized Castrol made the Racing 4T. I used the GTX in my 69 Mach 1 and all my other vehicles for years.NASCAR drivers swore by it back in the day for heat resistance, what could run hotter than the TR3.. During the great oil debate of 2001 + - i was swayed over to Mobil 1. The place that sells Castrol 4T near me is only 4 miles away too. I was traveling 19 miles to get Mobil 4T. I change my oil every 3000 miles, the detergent in mobil 1 turns the oil blacker than Castrol for what that's worth. I don't think you could go wrong with either one.
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Look guys those of you with low horse power Rockets can definetly feel safe with the recommended oils from Triumph after all your valve spring are not that strong and do not add increased pressure on the cam lobs and since Castrol oil has also been vetted by Triumph on there stock bikes I would definetley feel safe with them also. Now once you do anything to increase power and performance over what Triumph has produces it then becomes important to listen other experts who hev been working on modified Rockets. People who might take the rpms above wht Triumph does and create more horse power because they do not worry so much about emission standards. Some which might remind you the good oil is a bucket load cheaper then good engien parts and expensive labor to change them out and restore the engien bick to what it was before you ignored advice.

Then bottom line is you might get away with using automobile oils hell you might eve get away with riding you bike like I do (a Nutter) or perhaps a car tire but of the three examples I can not say any of them are right or safe expecially the second one :)

Its your bike you can treat it like a lady or a cheap ho as long as you enjoy it and get the proper shots :D