Oil tank temp gauges - cheap as

C = (℉ - 32) x 5 / 9
The accepted Quick and Dirty way is "°C=(°F-30) / 2".

Of course real men use °Kelvin. 348.15°K would be just warm enough - 363.15°K about right - 388.15°K pushing it.

I can hear sedition brewing - Tish and Pish.
Only thing is, can you see it when you're riding? Otherwise not much use.
I agree

If anybody (Oh mighty Google-fu-manchu) finds one that has a remote readout then I'll be interested.

I did make one when I had my Softail.

Suppose I could have another go, if I can find some suitable stock to machine. & If I can find the sensor. Whattdya mean BUY ONE? - What?.

Before I came across these I had considered making one with a cooking oven probe type you stick in a large roast so you can monitor internal temperature during cooking dirt cheap on eBay too easiest way would be to drill hole in original cap and insert with a couple of small o-rings sealing top and bottom surface of cap.

This one even has a temp alarm setting.

Thermometer Probe Timer Digital Alert for Cooking BBQ Oven Food Meat Taste | eBay


DIGITAL COOKING FOOD MEAT PROBE THERMOMETER kitchen bbq oven temperature | eBay

Thermometer Probe Timer Digital Alert for Cooking BBQ Oven Food Meat Taste | eBay
Tis merely a gadget.
So far I like mine.
If it fubar or I tire of it, the OEM shall return.

I'm with you on that one. I'll probably put the temp gauge in a few times a month just for curiosity's sake, and keep the OEM most of the time.
Eh, for $14, free shipping, less than a round of drinks.