Oil light

Look at post #61 from Neville Lush to Kevin regarding potential oil pump priming problems. These were his comments below in quotes. He also states if you are having oil pressure problems, pull 1 plug from each cyl and prime the pump with the starter. I guess less strain on the bearings.

"FWIW I sometimes find they are reluctant to suck up oil if the bottom end has been apart. We use assembly lube, but also just before start up ( or attempting to start) I fill the oil filter with oil and then place a bit of hose over the end of an oil can and pump oil into the main gallery from the oil filter housing, screw the filter on quick and go for the starter button."
That's what I had to do after engine was assembled. I took a pump squirt oil can and pumped about 1/2 quart into filter port and had filter about 1/2 full of oil when put it on. Was a nervous time.
i have never seen this problem or even tried this.
this is what i would try
take the old filter punch a hole in the end then tap (hit with small hammer) a barbed fitting in the end then take one of those pumps u fill up the differential with and then pump a quart in the filter and crank it if primes then change the filter real quick. place old towel over filter in case the fitting/hose blows off
This was done after the problem was noticed(after the oil/filter change and the oil pressure light remaining on).

So, you changed the oil and got no oil pressure, then you tried w/ filling the filter. When that didn't help, you ran for a few seconds w/ no filter installed? That's the sequence of events as I gathered. You did good by trying with putting oil in the filter, but if it wasn't enough oil, or it didn't crank long enough to prime, once you removed the filter and ran w/out it, you would have lost prime again possibly, that's why I asked. I would try the procedure as stated above. If everything was good prior to changing the oil, it would make sense that you would start there. Just my .02