oil leak!

Well that is piss poor service if you ask me.
Well that is piss poor service if you ask me.

Yeah, well, what am I going to do. Only dealer for miles.

I was not happy with the sales service at this dealership to begin with. I had gone there a half dozen times or so in as many years and ended up buying the Rocket 600 miles away. They have been ok on a few minor service issues so far but this is getting ridiculous. As I understand it their best tech is not fast. I am paying mostly for labor so a slow tech potentially costs me more money and does't do them much good either.

I don't want to rush them at this juncture as I want it done correctly and I am relying on them attempting to get some or all of this done with Triumph's assistance.

The parts have been in for over a week, or more, and all I get are excuses. Last promise was I should have it by this weekend. No bike, no update. In fact they never update me, I have to call them each week for a progress, or lack thereof, update.
If I was being told "waiting for parts", I'd get a list and tell them I'll get the parts myself from one of the bigger dealers and provide them. Having said that, it can't be easy being a dealer, heard that the #1 dealer here in Sydney Aus decided to quit selling Triumphs due to poor support and parts availability. Made the decision based on he was pissing off too many of his customers.
I called Triumph directly and explained the issue. They said that they heard from the dealership on April 8th and told them to send pictures of the bike and repair work and they would likely take care of it. But they had heard nothing since April 8th. Triumph said they would reach out to the dealership for me. Oddly the very next day, late in the day, I received a message that they were test riding my bike the following day and would call me. Now this was 6 weeks after I dropped it off and called them once a week as they never updated me. Suddenly after my call to Triumph they found the time to work on my bike.

The next day I waited till about 4PM and finally called them. I was told there was good news and bad news. Ironically the bad news was that they misdiagnosed the problem and it turns out it was not the head gasket after all. The good news was that it was much less expensive. But he could not tell me over the phone how much and asked that I not come in till the next day to pick it up.

When I picked it up he said he knocked an hour off the labor so my total invoice was just under $400. I asked what Triumph was willing to do and he said they would not do anything for this repair. In other words since it was not the head gasket he hadn't bothered seeing if Triumph would pay for it. I just wanted my bike so I paid and rode away.

Two weeks later I notice that the oil is now leaking from the other side of the engine. I am hoping it is as simple as the one bolt needing a little more torque. We'll see...