A month later and they still have my bike. One of the gaskets was on back order. They will be replacing the head gasket, valve cover gasket, O rings...the sum of the parts are inexpensive but the hours in labor add up.
While waiting for parts I asked the dealer to contact Triumph - even though my bike is out of warranty, the head gasket should not need replaced so soon on a 2012. Plus I had the sheen on the side of the engine but chose to ignore it hoping it was nothing even while it was still under warranty - stupid on my part. He told them my story and asked for some compensation.
The dealer told me Triumph responded and asked for him to send them some pictures. That at least was not a no!
Yesterday I was told all the parts were in and they should be getting it completed this week.
Fingers crossed that this solves my oil leak AND Triumph helps with the cost of the repair!!!