
Sep 8, 2008
Crystal Beach, FL
After my first service, $ 340.00:eek:, are the oil changes supposed to be done at 10k intervals ? By the way I read the owners manual, it seems that is the case. On my other bikes, I changed the dino-oil every 3k, and synthetic every 5k. It just seems like a long time between oil changes.

Triumph/Mobil one has a special "Racing oil" that they recomend for the Rocket. I run that oil and to the full 10k. I do start hearing a little more top end noise after about 8K others have used different oils with success. Amzoil, MobileOne, Snakeoil etc. Take your wallet when you go to pick up the oil. At $59.00 / gal. and it take 5 quarts its going to ruin a double sawbuck.:eek:
Okay. The dealer charges $55 for the 4 qt jug. They let me have the remainder from my first service. I figure $100 or so every 10k is about the same as $35-$40 every 3k-5k. It's all good.
Yes.. Triumph recommends 10K between oil changes. I usually change it at about the 8,000 mile mark. I usually use Castrol Full Synthetic in mine, this last time I used Amsoil, but will probably use Castrol again next change..
Okay. The dealer charges $55 for the 4 qt jug. They let me have the remainder from my first service. I figure $100 or so every 10k is about the same as $35-$40 every 3k-5k. It's all good.

Thats the way I look at it. My dealer said that if your changing oil at even 5k you would be wasting your money on the special Triumph/mobile one oil. I have always been a firm beliver in 3K oil changes. and always used Mobile One. But I wasn't paying $15.00 a quart either. I think 7500 - 8000 miles like TxRIIIRider said is probably best.
I change mine at 5K. Probably doesn't matter but I do notice it shifts better. But the 10K interval is correct.

BTW my dealer charged me $120 for my first oil change (I have done the rest myself). $340 seems steep. You should look at your receipt and see if they charged you for two jugs of oil. If they did ask for the remainder back.
I did get about half a jug of oil back. Their labor rate is $86 per hour. 2 hour job plus parts / supplies and tax. I did review the invoice. Just feels like a lot for a first service. I have heard some brands (HD) charge more than $500 for their first services.
I was of the 5000 mile change until the sticker shock caught up with me and went with the 10K route and will stay with it. I would say that was a bit high but don't know what they did. I had them do some upgrades with mine is why mine was up there. Save those pennies and get ready for that 10K check. Pun intended.:cool:
I started with Amsoil with my first change and put 9k on the change. I use a Scotts Filter and clean it, and refill as needed, at 3k. 9k just make it part of the third filter clean out.
Being an Amsoil Dealer, I obviously prefer Amsoil. Being the anal type, I change it every 5K miles.

Does it need to be changed that often, no. Does it make me feel better, you betcha...